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A place for philosophic waxing, in honour of an old website that crossed the great 404 sea



Do weak men know they’re weak?     (AllPhilosophy)
submitted by Battlefat to AllPhilosophy 2.7 years ago (+17/-0)
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Or are they disillusioned until reckoned…

My opinion is that they know.

It is also my observation that strength is hierarchal, contagious and impermanent, and that even weak men can become strong men, if only for a moment.

All aspects of “strength” considered — do weak men know they are weak?
Jim Jordan: 'Do you have free speech when only the left can define what can be said?'     (
submitted by christianmusicreleases to AllPhilosophy 3.2 years ago (+7/-0)
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The Underground Man - Fyodor Dostoevsky's Warning to The World [24:49] - Eternalised      (
submitted by Love240 to AllPhilosophy 8 months ago (+7/-0)
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Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote Notes from Underground in 1864 which is considered to be one of the first existentialist works, emphasising the importance of freedom, responsibility and individuality. It is an extraordinary piece of literature, social critique and satire of the Russian nihilist movement as well as a novel with deep psychological insights on the nature of man.

Dostoevsky’s most sustained and spirited attack on the Russian nihilist movement is voiced by one of the darkest, least sympathetic of all his characters – the nameless narrator and protagonist known as the Underground Man, revealing the hopeless dilemmas in which he lands as a result.

Notes from Underground attempts to warn people of several ideas that were gaining ground in the 1860s including: moral and political nihilism, rational egoism, determinism, utilitarianism, utopianism, atheism and what would become communism.
Why You Must Embrace Our Modern Era and STOP Romanticising Past Ages [53:38] - Uberboyo      (
submitted by Love240 to AllPhilosophy 10 months ago (+5/-0)
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Nietzsche hated ESCAPISM, and one of the prominent forms of this was the Romanticism he saw all around him in Germany. You've seen the rise of this recently among Millennials... and it begs the question: is this a sign of weakness?
Foo Might Be Somewhat Right ... ugh     (AllPhilosophy)
submitted by GrayDragon to AllPhilosophy 1 year ago (+4/-0)
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@master_foo 's argument is that it is not good versus evil, but that it is order versus chaos (Michael Moorecock awesome shit-tier).

I grew up in my formative years as a strict lower-case libertarian. Things were kinds of orderly. But I guess I rebel (like that fag movie). Now chaos reigns supreme, I've notice I am now striving for order as a Fascist, perhaps Nazi.

I guess I am always rebelling, even against "rebelling."

Just some woeful thoughts. Your turn! Any insights?
Trusting random people on the internet is a good way to get one’s self in trouble     (AllPhilosophy)
submitted by Battlefat to AllPhilosophy 2.7 years ago (+3/-0)
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…but is trusting random people, or worse misinformed familiars, in real life, really any better?

What is the standard for trust in the modern era?

On occasion I speak at length to people in real life and often they describe the experience as “perspective changing,” but since have no real platform from which to speak other than personal experience, why should they trust anything I have to say? I speak in platitudes and can be rude or brusque, which is to say I am no better than they in delivery, but despite this commonality, why is it that my perspective remains mostly the same while theirs alters in some more meaningful way? I’ve never thought to ask…

Many here have influenced my way of thinking, I admit, and am thankful for it, but it is not without a healthy amount of skepticism have I progressed forward in my own parallel journey — what quality is it then that makes one individual more trustworthy than another, even without direct objective proof?
System is ...     (AllPhilosophy)
submitted by GrayDragon to AllPhilosophy 1.1 years ago (+2/-1)
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This is the kind of pussy-footing we have to overcome if our descendants are going to have a strong country. Vid about 9 mins. long     (
submitted by JamesMadison to AllPhilosophy 1 month ago (+0/-0)
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You don't have to watch it all. About a minute of it might be all you can stomach.

Jackson, MS. Capital of Mississippi. Chock fucking full of useless shaved apes. These "people" don't care about or want education, work, accountability and accomplishment. They don't in Africa and they don't here. It's genetic. Like stupid, you can't fix useless with gibs.

The guy who produced this knows what the problem is. You can tell. But he wpn't say, "Niggers destroy everything." Instead, he just keeps asking how a third-world Haitian-like shithole like what Jackson has become can come about. You can go to Memphis, Little Rock, Shreveport, Baton Rouge, Birmingham, Atlanta, East St. Louis, Dallas, Monroe, Mobile, Jacksonville etc etc etc etc and find the exact same collapse of almost everything the White people built in those towns before we started letting dead niggers vote. There is nothing more blatantly useless than a nigger politician. They have no business voting.

Even though right now most White people would hate me because of my racial and politican views, I don't care. I love my gullible and naive people and I want them to wake the fuck up and realize we have to permanently solve this nigger problem while there is time.
A thread created so FreeinTX can wax philosophically on his misconceptions of constitutional law     (AllPhilosophy)
submitted by Laputois to AllPhilosophy 1.9 years ago (+0/-2)
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Here you go FreeinTX, a thread devoted to you so that you can discuss Article I, Section 10, Clause 1:

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.