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What Henry Ford wrote about the jewish control of the liquor industry. (audio, 1hr31min)      (
submitted by Dingo to Booze 1 month ago (+28/-0)
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Three chapters from Henry Fords "The International Jew" regarding thier involvement in the liquor trade. It's a fascinating bit of history and politics. Clearly, the food industry is under the same bullshit fuckery and this reading has permanently changed the way I read labels.
Belfast Car Bomb     (
submitted by Fascinus to Booze 2.2 years ago (+16/-1)
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Also known as the "Irish Car Bomb".

Tastes like a Guinness milk shake. Submarining the shot glass introduces a novel participatory element and a bit of a spectacle.

Some recipes call for Kahlua in addition to Irish Cream and I have never had them that way.

I haven't had one in years... may be too sweet for my taste these days and I do have some fond memories from years past.

Warning: These go down *way* too easy for how potent they are. Exercise appropriate caution or risk "driving the bus".
I make the choice to smack the first Jew with a “drug addiction is a disease” victim narrative…after I smack the first Jew, I can’t stop after that.     (
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to Booze 7 months ago (+12/-1)
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The Kenosha Kid     (Booze)
submitted by Fascinus to Booze 2.5 years ago (+10/-0)
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For those who imbibe, I offer the following riff on the IBA classic Sidecar in celebration of the Kenosha Kid to enjoy in tonight’s revelry.

In cocktail shaker, pour the following:

2 shots Rittenhouse Rye
1 shot Blood Orange liqueur (Cointreau, Grand Marnier or Triple Sec may be substituted)
3/4 shot lemon juice

Shake well with ice, strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

Top with a splash of Campari cherry juice (look at the blood!) and, optionally a pinch of salt to simulate the flavor of liberal tears.

Warning: Goes down way too easy for how strong they are. More than one of these will mess up the average person.


*Edit: Just discovered that Campari is no longer colored naturally and now includes artificial dyes. Guess I am behind the times... last time I checked it was still made with Cochineal. Upon this basis, I no longer recommend using it.

Perhaps one of these traditionally made spirits could be substituted?

Jew Uses Influence To Teach Bartenders How to Cheat Customers Out of 1/4 Bottle of Beer Every Time     (
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to Booze 1.8 years ago (+7/-0)
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I don’t drink, but what kind of a fucking faggot needs their bottled beer poured, anyway?
Whiskey Goes Woke: Heaven Hill Brands Doesn’t Want ‘Rittenhouse Rye' Used to Celebrate Kyle     (
submitted by carnold03 to Booze 2.5 years ago (+5/-0)
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This is How You Find the Best Price/Performance Spirits (ie, Bourbon/Rum/Cognac etc etc)     (Booze)
submitted by beece to Booze 2.7 years ago (+3/-0)
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Annually they have a huge blind taste test in Frisco. The San Francisco World Spirits Competition. The judges, experts in the field, do not receive any information on producer product or price point, ensuring each spirit is judged fairly, equally, and without bias. They basically get to choose #1, #2, #3 etc and make notes on it.

As consumers, we can evaluate based on price vs their choices. Now, your tastes may not be the same and you prefer a lower rated product: that's fine. Furthermore, the best spirit of any category may be selling out and not bothered to have entered this competition, (plenty of great product never gets entered) so that is an issue.

However, this is a great start to choose a few top rated booze products and see which you prefer without having to try 200 fucking different things in each category. Good stuff.

2021 results Judges do not receive any information on producer or price point, ensuring each spirit is judged fairly, equally, and without bias. (Avail as a PDF as well which works much better than putting say, "Bourbon" in as a keyword) Go to .

Ratings are:

Bronze - Not as good as Silver

Silver - "Outstanding spirits that show refinement, finesse, and complexity; these winners are among the best examples of their categories."

Gold - "Exceptional spirits that are near the pinnacle of achievement; these products set the standard for their categories."

Double Gold - "Awarded to the entries that receive a Gold medal rating by all members of the judging panel; these are among the finest products in the world."

Platinum - "Platinum is a double gold winner who won 3 years in a row."
How Much Land Does it Take to Make a Bottle of Whiskey? - Bourbon Real Talk 150     (
submitted by lord_nougat to Booze 1.2 years ago (+3/-1)
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