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"Catholica Romana" is Latin for "Roman Catholic"

Owner: iSnark


CHRIST is KING: Candace Owens Is Correct!     (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 1 month ago (+8/-4)
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In this edition of the Underground, Michael presents a tour de force on the Doctrine of the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ. Responding to the avalanche of attacks on political commentator Candace Owens – fired from the Daily Wire for proclaiming Christ King – Michael addresses all the arguments, including those based on the canard that when Christ said to Pilate “my kingdom is not of this world, He was in fact rejecting His own sovereignty over nations and individuals. This, according to Michael, is heresy and it is also exactly why the scourges of abortion and same sex “marriage” are now the law of our land. “This may be the most important video I have ever produced, given that it addresses a matter of grave urgency for all men and women, regardless of their religious affiliation. Especially in Holy Week, that ‘we have no king but Caesar’ should find its way onto the lips of conservative Catholic commentators provides a teaching moment on the casual apostasy that has inflicted the Catholic Church and is throwing the entire world into diabolical chaos.” - Michael J. Matt
The Effects of Limiting the Traditional Latin Mass      (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 1 month ago (+4/-2)
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Some parishes celebrate their last Traditional Latin Mass, as limits on the old rite officially take effect. Correspondent Mark Irons speaks with those heartbroken with Pope Francis’ decree and are worried about the future.
Travel with an SSPX Priest to an Alaskan mission.      (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 1 month ago (+1/-1)
A Blessed & Happy Easter to All!     (CatholicaRomana)
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 2 months ago (+21/-1)
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Wishing everyone a a Happy Easter!
The Truth about Jesus     (
submitted by The_Reunto to CatholicaRomana 2 months ago (+5/-1)
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Great short summary by Mark Dice.
Holy Weeks Past and Present     (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 2 months ago (+2/-1)
Leisure: The Basis of Manliness     (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 2 months ago (+3/-1)
Selfless Self-Preservation     (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 2 months ago (+2/-1)
What attracts 20,000+ 20-somethings? Orthodox Catholicism NOT liberalism     (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 2 months ago (+2/-0)

Devotion to Jesus Christ and the orthodox teachings of His Catholic Church drew more than 20,000 Catholic youth to gather prayerfully for fellowship and inspiration at the 2024 Seek Conference, hosted by the missionary group FOCUS. Despite efforts by modernist and liberal bishops to distort the authentic teachings of the Catholic Faith and minimize Christ, attendees worshiped Christ in the Eucharist with deep reverence and homage. Liberal bishops now have reason to fear: orthodox Catholic youth are ditching the Deep Church agenda to abandon Christ and are instead increasing in their devotion and dependence upon the Holy Eucharist.
Catholic Tradition celebrated on Feast of St. Louis IX     (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 2 months ago (+2/-1)

On August 25, Catholics gathered from across the world to celebrate the Feast of St. Louis IX in the city of St. Louis, Missouri. Alejandro Rodriguez of LifeSiteNews met with prominent Catholic figures, Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, Monsignor Eugene Morris, and others to discuss the importance of Tradition in the modern era. Dr. Kwasniewski explained how traditional chant is more fitting for Divine Liturgy and why it was used extensively in the festival procession. Additionally, Msgr. Morris addressed why the festival began and how its inception was a result of the attempted destruction of the statue of St. Louis. Then Msgr. Morris saluted the staff of the Oratory of Saints Gregory and Augustine for their efforts in the festival and proudly stated that many young people are beginning to become attracted to traditional liturgical rites.
Ember Day's February 21st, 22nd & 23rd     (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 3 months ago (+3/-0)
Effeminate Men Created Feminism     (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 3 months ago (+6/-0)
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Winners & Losers of the Interest Group Battles That Raged at Vatican II and Continue Today     (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 3 months ago (+2/-0)
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Ember Days Explained     (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 3 months ago (+1/-0)

Reclaim the Traditions of our Catholic Faith!

February Ember Days:

Wednesday: February 21st
Friday: February 23rd
Saturday: February 24th
Liturgical Notes on Ash Wednesday     (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 3 months ago (+2/-0)

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, a penitential time for Catholics!
Hundreds of Priests Defy Pope's Double Ultimatum | Rome Dispatch     (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 4 months ago (+3/-1)
Why does Francis hate Latin Mass?     (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 4 months ago (+2/-1)
Survey: Conservative and Orthodox Priests on the Rise     (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 4 months ago (+3/-1)
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The researchers said a full 85% of the youngest cohort describes itself as “conservative/orthodox” or “very conservative/orthodox” theologically, with only 14% describing themselves as “middle-of-the-road.”

The report also says that nearly 70% of priests ordained in the mid- to late 1960s describe themselves as somewhat or very “progressive.” By 2020, fewer than 5% of priests describe themselves that way.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Shares Powerful Message He Sent to Participants of “Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International” Meeting     (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 4 months ago (+2/-1)
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How to Live More Liturgically this New Year     (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 4 months ago (+2/-3)
African Bishops Denounce Vatican Same-Sex Blessings, Resist Pope to his Face     (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 4 months ago (+3/-0)

Civil war in the Catholic Church, as Team Francis alienates the entire African continent.

In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael Matt exposes what is really going on with Fiducia Supplicans – the Vatican Declaration approving blessings for same-sex couples.

This has nothing to do with pastoral sensitivity, and everything to do with politics, Agenda 2030, the SDGs of the United Nations, and the EU-ACO Treaty between the European Union and seventy-nine poorer countries.

So why are the African Catholic Bishops resisting Pope Francis to his face? Because forty-seven African countries will be most negatively impacted by the EU-ACP Treaty, which will force African nations to embrace the militantly Christophobic European Union position on human sexuality. With the Vatican signaling change to the Church’s teaching on sexual morality, African bishops will be cut off at the knees.

This is HUGE! And there may still be time to stop it. Do not let the Vatican do to African Catholics what they have already done to Chinese Catholics, i.e., abandon them to the atheist regimes that increasingly hold them hostage.

The good news? The Africans will have 18 Cardinal Electors in the next papal conclave, and they will NOT be voting for Francis II. So, things are looking up in this New Year. God will not be mocked.

Michael breaks down the ramifications of what may well be largest body of hierarchical resistance to a reigning pope in the history of the papacy.
"HERESY!" African Bishops Denounce Vatican Same-Sex Blessings, Resist Pope to his Face     (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 4 months ago (+12/-1)

In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael Matt exposes what is really going on with Fiducia Supplicans – the Vatican Declaration approving blessings for same-sex couples.

This has nothing to do with pastoral sensitivity, and everything to do with politics, Agenda 2030, the SDGs of the United Nations, and the EU-ACO Treaty between the European Union and seventy-nine poorer countries.

So why are the African Catholic Bishops resisting Pope Francis to his face? Because forty-seven African countries will be most negatively impacted by the EU-ACP Treaty, which will force African nations to embrace the militantly Christophobic European Union position on human sexuality. With the Vatican signaling change to the Church’s teaching on sexual morality, African bishops will be cut off at the knees.

This is HUGE! And there may still be time to stop it. Do not let the Vatican do to African Catholics what they have already done to Chinese Catholics, i.e., abandon them to the atheist regimes that increasingly hold them hostage.

The good news? The Africans will have 18 Cardinal Electors in the next papal conclave, and they will NOT be voting for Francis II. So, things are looking up in this New Year. God will not be mocked.

Michael breaks down the ramifications of what may well be largest body of hierarchical resistance to a reigning pope in the history of the papacy.
Kid Catholics     (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 4 months ago (+2/-0)
This Cardinal should be the next Pope!      (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 4 months ago (+0/-0)
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“The freedom we must offer to people living in homosexual unions lies in the truth of the word of God,” he continued. “How could we dare to make them believe that it would be good and desired by God for them to remain in the prison of their sin?”

Also Cardinal Burke would make a Great Pope!
Fathers, Bless Your Wives & Children     (
submitted by iSnark to CatholicaRomana 4 months ago (+3/-2)