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Community for : 3.1 years

Dog pics because we can't live off of cat pics alone.

Owner: MrGoat


I saved a bird.     (CheeseboogersHotdogs)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to CheeseboogersHotdogs 4 weeks ago (+45/-0)
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So I was standing in my driveway talking to a fren when all of a sudden some birds flew in and one of them crashed into my rain gutter really hard and fell straight down to the ground. I think the bird is a Starling or a young robin? I walked down to where it was lying and it was knocked out cold. The Sun was beating down so I picked it up and went into the house and sat in my chair holding it in my hands. It couldn't move but when I made a click sound it'd open its eyes for a couple seconds then pass back out. I sat there with it for about 30 minutes, squeezing its feet and just cradling it in my hands and then took it back outside and put it under my deck in the shade.

I went back in the house and came back out to check on it about 30 minutes later. It was still out cold. At this point I figured it wasn't gonna make it. I picked it up and made a clicking sound and it opened its eyes but no movement or anything. I put it back on the ground and went back in the air conditioning. Came back out about 25 minutes later and it was still the same. I picked it up and this time it gripped my finger with its left foot. I started clicking and moving it around and its other leg started gripping. I would hold it above the ground to help it walk but it still wasn't there yet but at least now it was on its feet. I worked with it for about ten minutes and then let it rest again. I go back into the house and come back about 30 minutes later. It was still there but as I got closer it started hopping and then flew away. The S.O.B. didn't thank me or say goodbye or anything! The nerve! But seriously, I'm glad the little guy made it.