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A skeptic’s guide to climate change. We all know the climate is changing. How much is really mankind's fault.

Owner: Gramman74


Early Winter Ice Halts Arctic Shipping Traffic Weeks Ahead of Schedule     (
submitted by obvious to ClimateChangeSkeptic 2 weeks ago (+5/-0)
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Ockham’s View of Cenozoic CO2     (
submitted by obvious to ClimateChangeSkeptic 1 month ago (+5/-0)

For the past 66 million years ocean temperatures have controlled atmospheric CO2.
Human Emissions ‘Irrelevant’ In Determining Changes In Atmospheric CO2 Since 1959     (
submitted by obvious to ClimateChangeSkeptic 1 month ago (+10/-0)
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“The main factor governing the annual increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration is the SST [sea surface temperature] rather than human emissions.” – Ato, 2024
Thus, not only is the paradigm that says humans drive atmospheric CO2 changes wrong, but “the theory that global warming and climate change are caused by human-emitted CO2 is also wrong.”
Puny irrelevant humans, we have no control!
Oh So Green: Wind Industry Burns Diesel to Prevent Turbines From Freezing     (
submitted by obvious to ClimateChangeSkeptic 1 month ago (+18/-0)
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"diesel-fuelled generators are being used to power some wind turbines as a way of de-icing them in cold weather, that is, to keep them rotating."
Wind and solar are fake and gay.
CO2’s Atmospheric Residence Time 4 Years…Natural Sources Drive CO2 Concentration Changes     (
submitted by obvious to ClimateChangeSkeptic 1 month ago (+1/-0)
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"A residence time of only 4 years for all CO2 molecules, regardless of origin, is consistent with the conclusion that nature is dominant in driving changes in CO2 concentration. Fossil fuel emissions serve only a minor role."
Anthropogenic global warming is fake and gay. Puny humans do not drive climate.
Net Isotopic Signature of Atmospheric CO2 Sources and Sinks: No Change since the Little Ice Age     (
submitted by obvious to ClimateChangeSkeptic 2 months ago (+29/-0)
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"These findings confirm the major role of the biosphere in the carbon cycle and a non-discernible signature of humans."
Puny humans, your CO2 has no discernible effect!
The Sun Drives Earth’s Climate, Not Carbon Dioxide     (
submitted by beece to ClimateChangeSkeptic 2 months ago (+27/-0)
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"Recently, two prominent American MIT researchers at Princeton raised alarms that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed climate regulations are based on “a hoax” and that the mandated climate agenda is “a disaster” for the United States and the world. The researchers are none other than William Happer, professor emeritus of physics at prestigious Princeton University, and Richard Lindzen, professor emeritus of atmospheric science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). They warn, among other things, that the EPA’s new rules to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in electricity production “will be disastrous for the country, without any scientifically motivated reason.”"

"The top researchers in their respective fields then write about what a growing number of other frustrated scientists are trying to point out, that “climate research” is anything but scientific:

“All models predicting catastrophic global warming fail the key test of the scientific method: they predict significant warming versus actual data. The scientific method instead proves that there is no risk of fossil fuels and carbon dioxide causing catastrophic warming and extreme weather.”"
Lost for 30 years in a freezer: The whole of Greenland melted away when CO2 was perfect — consensus broken     (
submitted by obvious to ClimateChangeSkeptic 2 months ago (+2/-0)
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"Our climate models didn’t predict this, because CO2 was low then and clearly, the models are hopelessly incomplete. "
CO2 is a nothing burger, humans are puny, the climate is not under our control.
Sea ice choke points reduce the length of the shipping season in the Northwest Passage     (
submitted by obvious to ClimateChangeSkeptic 2 months ago (+11/-0)

"parts of the northern route exhibit a decrease of up to 14 weeks over the 15 years."
Hum, all that ice was supposed to melt away? Global warming is fake and gay.
Letzte Generation zoomers figure out that useful idiots are losers     (
submitted by Bstream to ClimateChangeSkeptic 2 months ago (+1/-0)
Nikolov & Zeller: Misrepresentation of Critical Satellite Data by IPCC     (
submitted by obvious to ClimateChangeSkeptic 2 months ago (+1/-0)
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"we found out that the CERES global anomalies of reflected shortwave and outgoing longwave radiation have been multiplied by -1 in the computer code employed to generate Fig. 7.3. "
CO2 driven global warming is fake and gay. Solar and clouds drive the climate, CO2 is a bit player.

Climatic consequences of the process of saturation of radiation absorption in gases     (
submitted by obvious to ClimateChangeSkeptic 3 months ago (+2/-0)
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"there is currently a multiple exceedance of the saturation mass for carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere."
More CO2 will not heat earth, the adsorption is already maxed out.
urban heat     (
submitted by boekanier to ClimateChangeSkeptic 3 months ago (+25/-0)
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Temperature Changes Have Determined CO2 Changes Since The Phanerozoic     (
submitted by obvious to ClimateChangeSkeptic 3 months ago (+1/-0)

"temperature changes lead and CO2 changes lag on yearly, decadal, and centennial/millennial scales."
Temperature changes drive CO2 levels. CO2 does not drive temperatures.
it's NOT a problem     (
submitted by boekanier to ClimateChangeSkeptic 3 months ago (+26/-0)
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Media Reports Earth’s ‘1.5C Temperature limit’ was ‘breached for 12 months in a row’ – Nothing Bad Happened     (
submitted by obvious to ClimateChangeSkeptic 3 months ago (+13/-0)
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"Meanwhile, the much warned about 1.5C temperature increase was exceeded for an entire year, yet extreme weather events and the numbers of deaths due to temperature and weather did not see an unusual increase. "
Climate change is a fear porn noting burger.
Antarctic ice shelves hold twice as much meltwater as previously thought     (
submitted by Spaceman84 to ClimateChangeSkeptic 3 months ago (+1/-0)

Don’t ask me how they could be wrong by 2x. I trust the science.
Taxing the Sun     (
submitted by UncleDoug to ClimateChangeSkeptic 4 months ago (+19/-0)
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Listen up piglets.

Sun tax: When it will hit, what it will cost and why solar export tariffs remain controversial

Australian energy retailers will now introduce a tax for Solar grid export or a Solar Tariff. All those families that decided to outlay solar panels to reduce utility costs will now pay an erroneous tax on green energy just because. It has never been about the environment, it never will.

The federal energy minister is silent on the matter.

Now 2024 has arrived, Ausgrid confirms it will introduce the 1.2c/kWh export charge in July – but only as an “opt-in” exercise – as in, customers will have to request to be involved, via their retailer. It will become mandatory a year later, in July 2025.

Starting from July this year, solar panel owners will face a penalty of 1.2¢ per kilowatt-hour for exporting electricity to the grid between 10 am and 3 pm. Conversely, they will be rewarded 2.3¢ per kilowatt-hour for exports between 4 pm and 9 pm.

Australia's new “Sun Tax” is a fresh rule that charges people with solar panels when they send extra electricity to the grid.
Climate Despair     (
submitted by VaccineWaters to ClimateChangeSkeptic 4 months ago (+5/-0)
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The amount of copper needed to build EVs is ‘impossible for mining companies to produce’     (
submitted by obvious to ClimateChangeSkeptic 4 months ago (+13/-0)
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"EV requires three to five times more copper than petrol or diesel cars, not to mention the copper required for upgrades to the electricity grid."
We can't get there from here.
Last millennium hurricane activity linked to endogenous climate variability     (
submitted by obvious to ClimateChangeSkeptic 4 months ago (+2/-0)

"Overall, the sediment-based reconstruction indicates that hurricane variability over the pre-industrial (PI) period (850–1851) was similar in amplitude to modern variability."
Woops, more bigger harder storms fear porn crushed by truth! CO2 and Goreball warming are a none event.
Rethinking the sun’s cycles New physical model reinforces planetary hypothesis     (
submitted by obvious to ClimateChangeSkeptic 4 months ago (+3/-1)

The planets drive the sun cycles, which drive earths climate. CO2 is a bit player.
Tropical Storm Variability Linked Mostly To Oceanic Cycles     (
submitted by obvious to ClimateChangeSkeptic 5 months ago (+3/-0)
‘NO Climate Crisis’ Says Coalition Of 1,600 Actual Scientists     (
submitted by beece to ClimateChangeSkeptic 5 months ago (+45/-0)
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Ohs Noes! Ice free arctic prediction in an alternate universe     (
submitted by obvious to ClimateChangeSkeptic 5 months ago (+8/-1)

“Dec 14, 2009
New computer modeling suggests the Arctic Ocean may be nearly ice-free in summer as early as 2014, Al Gore said