'The Militia and the Mole' - Remember everything you type or post can and will be used against you in the pursuit of anti-Whiteness.     (www.propublica.org)
submitted by Sector2 to DigitalGhetto 1 week ago (+15/-1)
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This wouldn't be happening (very much) if people would do the needful. You don't have to say you will, or claim you did, you just have to do it.

Odds are nearly 100% there are several of them with voat/upgoat accounts, and some lurkers.
The Digital ID Bill passed in the Australian Senate     (ia.acs.org.au)
submitted by UncleDoug to DigitalGhetto 9 months ago (+5/-1)
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Precursor to 1984 style surveillance and a Social credit system, the Digital ID Bill has passed in the Australian Senate today sneakily behind closed doors.

This is the list of Senators who voted for and against having a proper debate on the Digital ID Bill.
Now, Digital ID will be rammed through the Senate tonight without a word of debate, thanks to Labor, Greens and David Van.

Senators voting preference on Digital Identity Bill; the noes are either retarded or bought

These politicians are regardless enemies of the people, the day of the rope comes for them all; Sen. Katy Gallagher just entered my Black book.
Paki getting slacky discussing CBDC     (u.smutty.horse)
submitted by UncleDoug to DigitalGhetto 2.1 years ago (+9/-0)
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Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)

Even Russell Brand the metrosexual stoner knows what's up.
Kilroy Was Here     (upload.wikimedia.org)
submitted by kilroywuzkangz to DigitalGhetto 3.9 years ago (+3/-0)
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