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Community for : 2.3 years

A look behind the scenes

Owner: giantprick


Did you know that all the Christmas music you love was written by kikes?     (
submitted by Breeder to DissectingKikes 1.4 years ago (+30/-0)
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I didn't used to but ever since i learned, I've seen how kikes have molded American culture to be consoomerist and without any real culture.
Every time the kikes are exposed they shed their skin and morph     (
submitted by ProudRebel to DissectingKikes 2 weeks ago (+29/-0)
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Rhinoplasty can't corrct that sloping yid forehead     (
submitted by UncleDoug to DissectingKikes 1.4 years ago (+28/-0)
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Narcisicm probability 8,999,999:1     (
submitted by UncleDoug to DissectingKikes 1 year ago (+25/-0)
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That time Jordan Peterstein dismantled Kathleen Kennedy
Evil demon jews make Erie, Pa their playground. This one will blow your mind. The pizza bomber case from 2003     (
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to DissectingKikes 4 months ago (+13/-0)
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I don't even know where to start with this one. The best way to get it is to watch the doc -Evil Genius.

It is testament to how jews live in filth like hoarders, don't bathe and do evil shit constantly. It started with a creepy pizza delivery jew who had a bomb strapped to his neck and robbing a bank. Whether or not he was innocent, IDK. Cops surrounded him and the bomb detonated killing him. Then another case popped up. a creepy evil jew calls police and tells them a woman, also a mentally ill kike, has a body in her freezer. When cops begin investigating it unravels some of the sickest shit you can imagine and gives a peek into the typical jewish mind. Erie Pa always has some psycho shit going on, whether it be violent niggers or demon jews.

Who's the niggerfaggot that downvoats everything?     (DissectingKikes)
submitted by gaperglory to DissectingKikes 10 months ago (+14/-8)
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I can't help but notice. Who is this miserable bastard, and why would he think a goat would give a fuck?
My favorite mutation : BRCA Mutations, the kike killer.     (DissectingKikes)
submitted by gaperglory to DissectingKikes 10 months ago (+5/-1)
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Because Jewish people often inter-marry with one another (or have a high rate of “endogamy”) and are such a large population, they make an ideal group for geneticists to study. Scientists have extensively researched Ashkenazi Jews and have found a higher rate of mutated BRCA genes, putting them at an increased risk for pancreatic, prostate, ovarian and breast cancer. In fact, 1.5% of all living Ashkenazi Jews are estimated to have a mutated BRCA1 gene and 1% have a mutated BRCA2 gene(3).

God bless sickle cell, aids, monkey pox, and the newest member of team White: the brca 1 and 2 gene mutation.
Starting this sub off: Kosher Cola     (DissectingKikes)
submitted by MichaelStewart to DissectingKikes 2 years ago (+1/-0)
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We all know soda is just Brawndo, but this sub is intended to get to the bottom of jews, and why they do, what they jew.

Example: Kosher Coca-Cola.

You may have heard about this. Basically the same as what you’d call mexican coke in a glass bottle, instead, it comes in a 2 liter so that soyjack and his friends who want a taste of the good life can discover what coke made with real sugar instead of that high fructose corn syrup bullshit that everything is laced with, but still getting themselves exposed to the microplastics as they stock up on yellow-capped 2L’s that are stamped with "O-U-P," the Passover kosher certification symbol of the Orthodox Union.

Jews literally do this because, could they release a version of Coke that doesn’t taste like shit, the rest of the year? Probably not. Coca Cola really only tastes good in a glass bottle. But it is indeed very jewish of them.

Fuck these kikes..