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Community for : 9 months

Subverse centered around the occult, mysticism, esoterica, metaphysics, and other related topics,
anyone interested in the exploration of esoteric mysteries are welcome.

Owner: Love240


Sub Introduction, /v/Esoteric     (Esoteric)
submitted by Love240 to Esoteric 9 months ago (+7/-1)
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I decided to just create a new sub rather than worry about where to submit some videos.

Enjoy the esoteric content.
TopHats were Mind Control Devices: Mercury Poison, Blue Mass, and Mad Hatters [20:09] - Mind Unveiled      (
submitted by Love240 to Esoteric 9 months ago (+7/-2)
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Why did everyone wear top hats in the past? Was it merely a fashion statement? We've been told that the mad hatters were the hat makers who suffered from mercury poisoning, but what if that's not the complete tale? It doesn't make too much sense why so much was lost in our historical record... But, consider this: perhaps these hats, signaling affiliation to certain elite groups, also served as instruments of control. The term "Mad Hatters" primarily references those WEARING the hats, not those crafting them. If these hats were infused with mercury, it could make the wearer's mind more docile and impressionable, dampening the intelligence and inquisitiveness required to challenge prevailing narratives. Am I just mad as a hatter, or is there something deeper to this story???
The Way of Initiation - Rudolf Steiner - Occult Esoteric Teachings, Full Audiobook. (3:30 runtime)     (
submitted by FacelessOne to Esoteric 3 months ago (+5/-0)
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The Hydrogen Atom, Part 1 of 3: Intro to Quantum Physics     (
submitted by Master_Foo to Esoteric 9 months ago (+3/-3)
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The Theory of Evolution: How Mysticism Became Science [47:35] - Probably Alexandra      (
submitted by Love240 to Esoteric 9 months ago (+3/-1)
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Have you ever wondered how Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution came to be? Delve into the mystical origins of natural selection and reveal the ‘missing link’ between its creators and their devout occult religious beliefs. Discover how the roots of evolutionary biology extend deep into the ancient Mystery religions.

Not only that, but this belief is so ancient it has widespread implications regarding some monumental historical events such as The French Revolution and The Age of Enlightenment. This documentary traces the origins of the esoteric quest of transhumanism, or humans evolving into higher beings, back through the 14th century to various secret societies, and even further than that to the first false promise ever sold to humanity, ‘ye shall be as gods’.

For more information like this, follow me on Substack:
Antarctica Disclosure [1:07:02] - Robert Sepehr      (
submitted by Love240 to Esoteric 3 months ago (+4/-2)
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Antarctica is the site of the South Pole and the southernmost continent of the planet governed under a series of recognized guidelines and agreements called the Antarctic Treaty System. New Swabia (Neuschwabenland) was a territorial claim made by Germany in the late 1930's. About 40% larger than Europe and virtually (allegedly) uninhabited, Antarctica continues to be a topic of great mystery and ongoing controversy. This presentation attempts to analyze and disclose still classified events pertaining to the region and how they may still be covertly influencing humanity today.
Who are the Archons - The Rulers of the Cosmos in Gnosticism & their Origins in Cosmology and Magic [37:32] ESOTERICA     (
submitted by Love240 to Esoteric 7 months ago (+1/-0)

Gnosticism is infamous for its conception of the cosmos as the creation of the satanic Demiurge. But along with this entity is a retinue of demonic cosmic powers or Archons that act as co-creators and wardens of this prison universe. Join me as I explore the origins, nature and function of the Archons. From their terrible origins as primeval excretions of the Demiurge, to their dreadful creation of the human physical and psychical body - even a renegade Archon that defied the Demiurge and is even said to have created Jesus Christ. The Archons are an often overshadowed aspect of Gnosticism. Let's trace their origins in the demonization of Yahweh, the Cosmic Daimons and Greco-Egyptian Magic.
Prophecy of God's Chosen - [28:39] Robert Sepehr      (
submitted by Love240 to Esoteric 1 month ago (+2/-0)
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Alt link:

The Biblical Magi were the ancient Chaldean and Zoroastrian (Mithraic) priest caste of Mesopotamia whose esoteric Mystery teachings were disseminated after the fall of Babylon in the 6th century BC by captive Isrealites that were freed by Cyrus the Great. In his book Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike states that the Oriental (Aryan) Kabbalah of the Magi predates and was later adopted into Jewish mysticism, which was then also encoded and integrated into Esoteric Christianity or Gnosticism, Hermeticism, Alchemy, Sufi sects, and ancient Greek and Egyptian Mystery School religions (Mysteries). Kabbalah was linked to the Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, and Scottish Rite Freemasonry.

Robert Sepehr is an anthropologist and author
(books also available through other book outlets)