Toto - Africa (Official HD Video)
(, Most of the 80's was an alcohol-induced blur for me...
Then I got my shit together, met a great gal, and started a family. My daughter, a carbon copy of her Mother, was always challenging me, but, she was smart, freakishly smart. She would push my buttons, but, she always knew where the line of no return was, and she would make it a habit of getting as close to that line as possible before I turned into angry Homer Simpson. This made for HOURS of free entertainment for then wifie...
One evening, we're cruising along the highway, and this song comes on the radio, and of course, I sing along with it. So there I go, singing "I
MISS the rains down in Africa", now, this song had ONLY been out for more than 30+ years, So for more than 30 years, I've been jamming to this song. My daughter, calls me out in the car, and says, "Daddy, the song is "I
Bless the rains down in Africa". Well that started a discussion, where I said, "Look, I've been singing this song, forever, I think I know what the words are. So we get home, log on to the computer, and I find out, that, I've been singing it wrong since the beginning... The little Smart-ass, has never let me live that down...
Music: The soundtrack to our lives...