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Community for : 2.1 years

Aether is a decentralized p2p forum app. It's believed it can be used with radio tools/ techniques to create an "off the internet" forum.

Download/ learn more here:

Owner: we_kill_creativity


Shadow America     (
submitted by MagicMushroom to Goats_on_Aether 2.0 years ago (+40/-0)
18 comments last comment...
Shadow America
Our reputation precedes us.     (
submitted by we_kill_creativity to Goats_on_Aether 2.1 years ago (+8/-1)
16 comments last comment...

I like the way "b" responded to that. Your thoughts?
If you've made an Aether account introduce yourself in the comments of this post.     (Goats_on_Aether)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to Goats_on_Aether 2.1 years ago (+6/-1)
29 comments last comment...
Clickable Links which open on Aether     (Goats_on_Aether)
submitted by MagicMushroom to Goats_on_Aether 2 years ago (+5/-2)
10 comments last comment...
Hello, Goats!

If you have had difficulty opening Aether links in your web-browser, it might be because you have not instructed your system to associate aether:// links with the Aether application. This is a similar process to telling your computer to open .mp3 files with your favourite media player, e.g. VLC, or to open .epub files with your favourite e-book reader, e.g. Calibre.

How to do this depends upon your Operating System. There are instructions for Windows and Mac here:

You might need to relaunch your applications or reboot before the changes come into effect.

Hopefully you will see a clickable link below, and if you hover over it, some information about the link should appear. If you click it, and you have configured your system to associate aether:// links with the Aether client, and you have your Aether client running, it should hopefully take you there.

Hyperlink for Voat

If you want to see the markdown used to create the above hyperlink, here it is:

`Hyperlink for Voat`
This is a really stupid question, but is there a way to login on Aether?     (Goats_on_Aether)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to Goats_on_Aether 2 years ago (+3/-0)
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All I see is an option to create a new account. I recently had to get a new computer and all I can see to do on Aether is "join" and make a new account? Am I missing something really obvious here?
Link to the already existing Voat board on Aether.     ()
submitted by we_kill_creativity to Goats_on_Aether 2.1 years ago (+3/-1)
4 comments last comment...

Actual link: aether://board/f2c944108971c509c3718a43e8bc77d95d3591746241b6a490e537f00122d98d

I didn't look at what I copy/pasted. Opps...

I'm glad I fucked this up though because it's a great example of why Aether is different than, say, a normal website...which it isn't even a website, if I'm thinking of this correctly. For instance, it's easy to think you've copy the url when instead you've copied a location on your computer because that's where Aether exists...on our computers, not "the web". Cool, lesson learned.
The creator of Aether.     (
submitted by we_kill_creativity to Goats_on_Aether 2.1 years ago (+3/-1)
2 comments last comment...

Vet away friends.
I posted a link to System's sticky on Aether's Voat board, if anyone would like to have a similar conversation there.     (board)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to Goats_on_Aether 2.1 years ago (+3/-1)
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A video with a different hypothesis for the conflict in the Ukraine     (Goats_on_Aether)
submitted by AetherUser to Goats_on_Aether 2 years ago (+4/-2)
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You need an Aether client to follow the link. You can download one here:

The main thesis is that this is all about the "Heavenly Jerusalem Project".
A good post on Aether: "My Journey to the Jewish Question"     (board)
submitted by we_kill_creativity to Goats_on_Aether 2 years ago (+2/-3)
12 comments last comment...

Download the app to view the link. If you don't want to we don't need to know about it...just move on.