Dear Christian Conservatives,
original content (QuotesToWakeWhites)Dear Christian Conservatives,
Christian Zionism has led us to the Great Replacement known as White Genocide in many White countries.
Jews are an "anti-racist" power that insist on the Great Replacement.
There are billion-dollar Jewish orgs who demonize anyone who objects to the Great Replacement (ADL, JDL, SPLC, etc.)
Jews define White Nationalism as evil, racist and nazi, but Jews themselves have built highly Jewish nationalist communities throughout USA and Israel. Note that White Nationalism is needed to stop and reverse the Great Replacement.
To be a Republican Zionist Shill during The Fall of the White Race is quite shameful since Jewish Power is a major cause of the Great Replacement.
Jews put Jews first and demand Whites aren't put anywhere.
White Nationalism is where White people are put first.
If we leave the White race's fate up to Jews, there will be no more White people.
That's why Zionism is so dangerous to us.
Please Watch Basic Facts About Race in 13 Minutes to better understand why race and the Great Replacement matter: