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Gawd Awful mother fuckers. Nothing gets done between the hours of 8-12.     (Rants)
submitted by CoronaHoax to Rants 6 days ago (+1/-1)
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4 hours that I bitch about not having to do anything that I consistently waste every night because burnt out from all the previous day, because it's just not ideal to start something at this time because I should be sleeping or something instead, or legitly just taking a break that extends 2 hours past it should.

Almost need to quit work just to get anything done lol
Elon Musk: govt spending reduces your spending power through inflation! Irony: Importing foreign workers reduces your spending power even more.     (Rants)
submitted by titstitstits to Rants 2 weeks ago (+22/-1)
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Target is terrible.      (Rants)
submitted by MaryXmas to Rants 2 weeks ago (+18/-0)
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I have probably 100 in gift cards for Target and I can't find a single useful thing. They are certainly woke and the website is repulsive but their products are absolute garbage too. My wife couldn't find anything so she gave the gift cards to me. 45 dollars for 16 black socks? Is that what the world has come to?
Fucking Amazon (job stuff)     (Rants)
submitted by hylo to Rants 2 weeks ago (+9/-0)
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I'm pissed about the tech world recruiting culture. I hate hate hate Amazon and Google and all the other faggy DEI slave conglomerates. This morning I set up an interview with an Amazon recruiter. It's Dec 26th at 10AM. Why isn't she on vacation? Anyway, my body didn't fully wake up and I'm recovering from a cold but I'm like "OK let's do this."

I ask her about the testing process and what is the threshold for these DS&A tests do. If you're not familiar with tech testing it's like give you some problems you might have found in a college course, strictly academic and unrealistic because nobody fucking does that on their day job. In no other industry that I can think of are people asked to do ridiculous shit like this.

I'm not gonna spend a month of my life training up to pass a bullshit test without any real prospect of a job and it's certainly not motivating to go work more than 40 hours a week surrounded by PIP dodging, back stabbing lying 'jeets that have each other's back. You ever think how many jeets end up working at Amazon but other companies aren't flooded with them? They want desperate optionless, childless workers that think about work 24/7. They will always fire the bottom 15% no matter what. They have layoffs in the tens of thousands and somehow keep job applications open. Do they have real jobs or are they just collecting data?

She couldn't tell me what roles there were on what teams or anything. She just wanted me to waste my time and take this stupid test and then maybe maybe there's something else, but she couldn't say. Amazon wastes everybody's time by immediately giving a test to anyone that applies for a job. You worked in the industry for 10 years? Doesn't matter because you're treated like a bottom of the barrel lying pajeet. Of course the pajeets they cheat, It's not hard to cheat on these tests and now with AI it's trivial, so it's not like they filter out much, it's a waste of time.

They have no clue how to interview people, they just rely on a bullshit book written by diversity hire female, Cracking the coding interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell. That bitch did more to damage tech culture than anyone. Like the dumb recruiter said, they need to filter people out on some criteria. In my opinion this criteria might as well be how many jumping jacks you can do.

I'd rather spend my time learning real tools, building real things, things that may one day create a profit for me. I may get a job at Amazon but I know it won't last and I would be looking to GTFO ASAP because their culture is shit, the co-workers are literally shit, the hours are long and they don't allow hybrid either. You get good money but abandon your life entirely and then you burn out, every single time.
Not that batman is even good but just tried watching "The Batman" (2022) and they made commissioner Gordon into nigger Gordon.     (
submitted by titstitstits to Rants 3 weeks ago (+6/-0)
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As though I want to give a shit about batman or superhero movies in general. This shit will turn against them, I promise you. I know half of you don't like AI but realize in the not too distant future Hollywood will be irrelevant and skin color in movies will be 100% user choice.

But in the meantime I would like to recommend, for the third time, Secret Level. It's basically nonstop action sequences with a little twilight zone sprinkled in. The first episode does have a black dwarf which pisses me off but if you can give that a pass it's 10/10.

As for me, I will go back to not watching batman for the rest of my life. Oh btw - "i am vengence" queue stock batman fight sequence #8272. Real vengeance would be brutal. Plus it's already in this fictional reality where 1 guy beats up 10 henchmen at once who all wait patiently in line to get punched in the face. If you're gonna make it fictional at least make it fun to watch. Again, this is why I recommend the Warhammer episode of Secret Level. Thats badassery.
Christmas Cards Are About $10 Now     (Rants)
submitted by Scyber to Rants 3 weeks ago (+5/-1)
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Did some last minute shopping at Target aka "White People's Walmart" and grabbed a nice card and when the cashier rang up my total I asked her why it was a bit high - Fuckin card was $9.50 with the tax. I thought it would be $5 tops, but I fuckin still bought it because I wasn't gonna stop anywhere else and waste more time battling the crowds and waiting in line.
All for a piece of cardboard that's gonna get thrown out anyway. jews sucked all the joy out Christmas and turned it into a priority and financial obligation.
The Us is a paper tiger     (Rants)
submitted by GodsNotDead to Rants 4 weeks ago (+7/-2)
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When I look at the military ads, and the recruiting issues, trannies, gays, etc, nothing screams powerful or mighty. Even the junk mil stuff isn mostly a job/income generators to stop a complete implosion of the US economy. Seriously, if you took away the mil contractors and job, 50% or more of the US economy would tank with it. Case in point, Boeing can't go bankrupt, because it would destroy a lot of contractors, and suppliers in the process. And let's not forget useless, seat warmer positions. IT comes off more as jewish huffing and puffing of pretending you have superiority, and not because it's there. Case in point the F-35 is way over the mark on budget, and we have very little to show for it. If we wanted a fighter, we already had a few prior, and it serves no purpose in the age of drone warfare. So what was the point of it? Outside sucking in billions in cash, it's a useless rock. And that's assuming it doesn't crash into the ground after takeoff. And yet, here we are. Spending billions on what amounts to very overprice, but cheap trash.

I saw the palantir commercial about drone warfare being used to take out boats. It was laughable. This is from the same military that couldn't take down a weather balloon, and got their asses handed to them by cheap, thousand dollar Houthi drones. But now I have to believe they are an all seeing eye that can pre emptively strike on the enemy before they know we're there. And Palantir will goose its stock and fuck off once people get wise. What makes it more frustrating is it isn't Palantir's money, its the taxpayer. So the taxpayer gets fucked based off these idiotic ideas that will never come to fruition.
Why the fuck do trucker scum insist on getting into the passing lane and impeding traffic?     (Rants)
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to Rants 1 month ago (+23/-7)
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These pajeet pos really get to me. I'm trying to get down the highway and there they are. Traffic backed up for a long ways. I start beeping and flashing lights. Street shitter doesn't care. So I passed on the shoulder and ten vehicles followed me! I held my middle finger out the sunroof fuckin cocksucker!

Then there's the scum who are in the passing lane at a red light and when the light changes to green they start off going slower than a loaded 18-wheeler and it takes them at least a quarter mile to get up to or near the speed limit. reeeeeee I hate these MF. GTFO my way

Then there's those retards who pull out into the passing lane going like 30 in a 70 and here I come and have to lock up the brakes. Pure fucking scumbags. Society has went downhill badly.

Then we have the retards who sow up the slow lane. For example, I am in the passing lane and need to get over because some prick is riding my ass in a bigger hurry than me but I can't get over because the idiot I was trying to pass hits his throttle every time I almost get past him. wtf even is that shit? So I speed up to like 90 and there that MF is still and I can't get over and prick is still right on my ass. I could almost break a spring.

Then we have the modern retard. The light changes from red to green and both lanes are on their phones and not paying attention so I'm sitting behind these NPC pos not moving for almost ten seconds. Usually, these days, as soon as the light turns green i lay on my horn. GTFO my way. If these dumb fucks want to play on their phone then they should pull off and act like low T fags. Otherwise, GTFO my way.

Night driving: Many people don't even bother turning their high beams down when I encounter them out on the highway so I blast them with my high intensity high beams. and don't forget the retard that gets behind you with their high beams on. I slow down very slow for those pos.

Nobody uses turn signals anymore so there's that to contend with, as well. Imagine being so dumb & lazy that you cannot move your fingers one to two inches and use your turn signal. I don't have ESP.

Last night I was on my way home and this suv got up beside me and they kept coming across the center line almost hitting me. Then they get get a ways ahead of me and I see them get over into the slow lane, no blinker, mind you, and there is a vehicle right beside of them and they ran them off the road.

and don't even get me started on encountering boomers at 4-way stops. They start doing that motioning shit telling others to go. That shit makes me snap.

If you have to drive somewhere you have to be a ninja and watch for retards

Hitler was right on christian dogmatism     (Rants)
submitted by GodsNotDead to Rants 1 month ago (+8/-2)
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When you read up a little bit on Hitler, he hated christian dogmatism being led by judaic actors. Similar to today, we have a fake religion pretending to be christianity. We have a religion that practices meekness, weakness, and unconditional surrender to criminals and demons. Pastors I talk to, they simply recoil in horror when you mention anything that isn't 100% predicatble: no Assyrian exile, 13 tribes of israel are somehow all jews, jews are chosen people that supercede christianity because reasons, the OT isn't relevant anymore unless it is (supersessionism alongside its opposite), the church is the building and not the people but it is, Ishmaelites arent a thing because let's not talk about that.

Every principle has been perverted, the church in its modern day form is nothing more than an extension of the state exerting its control on others. And I can understand it, sell the underdog story, drive people to go, and than force poisonous kike ideology to the masses. How many church goers know about the pentateuch? How many understand Roman customs enough to know what Jesus was saying? How many read Jesus throwing the table of the money changers and then being told passiveness and indifference is the answer? Do nothing whilst your country gets destroyed from within, champion niggers and filth in your ranks, constantly make excuses for shitty behavior because forgiveness. The list goes on.
Liberals and jews: They cry in pain as they strike you     (Rants)
submitted by GodsNotDead to Rants 1 month ago (+11/-0)
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I was at a coffee shop i tend to go to from time to time. I was chastised for wearing pro Trump paranephielia. They told me to take if off or i may get beat up. This got me thinking, these assholes constantly clamor on about being a minority, misunderstood, etc. They always claim to be oh so tolerant and understanding. Meanwhile these moronic fucks own the entire media, banks, they can literally point and destroy someone's life on a whim. And yet, per their own words, they are perpetual victims. They also require (on average) the most amount of money, the most help, and are utterly incompetent when it comes to living life. These same type off assholes get confused by basic shit like: writing checks, understanding implicit logic, common decency. But sure, the guy with the maga hat is the problem. Not the criminal gov robbing you blind and gaslihgting you to blame immigrant crime on .... Whites.
Why do employees owe allegiance to an employer, and an employer can treat you like shit?     (Rants)
submitted by GodsNotDead to Rants 1 month ago (+32/-0)
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This is something I noticed in a lot of these shitty HR training videos, they want super loyal, die hard employees who will fight tooth and nail for the company. Meanwhile the company will happily fire everyone and anyone to make a buck, force diversity mandates, immediately cave to the COVID shot. Seriously, this HR training video makes me think im part of a cult. What makes this so funny is they always have some nigger she boon be the better person, which i find laughable. Usually a company issue is created by a pissed off diversity hire who decides to go scorched earth. But sure, the sheboon is the voice of reason ....
The effects of waiting to 30s for women and fertility     (Rants)
submitted by GodsNotDead to Rants 1 month ago (+10/-0)
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Theres' this new delusional idea that women can get healthy pregnant babies at 35+ or even 40 because .... reasons. The thing is a woman could be perfectly healthy, but the line between fertile and menopause is insanely tight. This is especially given since menopause can happen from anywhere as early as late 30s and onwards. I believe geriatric is considered anyone beyond 38. And yet, so many women these days say it can be done because they know ONE woman somewhere that was capable of doing it, hence its proof age and fertility dont matter. The official definition says menopause doesnt happen until 52 (average), giving the false impression that a woman can get pregnant until their 50s. This is patently absurd, but people read the trash on google and assume its true because they dont understand how averages and medians work. Im sure there's also a lot of data tampering to have pulled such a ridiculous number.

This doesnt even get into the dangers of child bearing so late, the complications, all the different issues that can occur. All that so some whore can go be a slut in her 20s.
Customs scum     (Rants)
submitted by UncleDoug to Rants 2 months ago (+15/-1)
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Convince me your average customs agent isn't a scumbag that extorts money for already paid and owned goods for ransom?
When you pay for and item, and its postage and handling, some POS holds your legal ware for ransom at customs requiring innumerable fees or they keep your paid for property legally.

Broker's Fee/HVCC
GST as service component on Brokers Fee (By extension they waive liability of lost property, which is the only job of a broker ffs)
Stamp Duty
GST as Goods tax component (on both value of items and p/h, because apparently postage isnt a service but a physical obejct in the parcel)
VAT (suck my dick, already paying GST)
EEPC (Electronic Entry Processing Charge) + Other disguised Charges (clicking send email to you so you can correct all their wrong details)

FOB (Free on Board) is meant to be 5% of item value
CIF (Cost, insurance, and freight) is all-inclusive of item value + postage incase abos steal it and try to huff it or rape it.
GST (Goods and Services Taxation) is 10% across the board Ausfalia gaylord tax introduced by John Howard the manlet.

Do you Ameribros ever have to pay 32% the cost of goods to receive an item you already paid for in full just so someone doesnt keep your property?
Cartel makes a video, enjoy     (
submitted by Dingo to Rants 2 months ago (+8/-1)
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This is a decent internet rant about trying to wake up friends and the frustrations of being awake amongst zombies. I posted this one because it hit close to home and I think it will with people here.

Here is the guy's channel.
submitted by drhitler to Rants 2 months ago (+24/-0)
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EDIT : fixed the stupid POS had to uninstall a security update, didn't get the KB number. Now iam using a 3rd party tool to block all updates.

So you fucked up my whole computer again, even though i turned off your shit updates that have stopped my printer working you just installed the update again even though i told you to never update.


i swear to fuck iam going to go out and kick the fuck out of some jeet in a min, you fuck everything you touch dumb jeets

Oh and when it updated it put my computer in a weird tablet mode too, even though i never use it it just decided to force me to use tablet mode and i had to research how disable this retarded mode.

and no I can't use linux for this stuff.

EDIT : this is a production machine, if you have never cut vinyl you would have no idea about the little nuances that come with it and why iam not going to risk a linux machine even with virtualization.

stfu about your linux shit, its a GPWIN it dosn't even have linux drivers, its basically useless without the win10 drivers.

Liquid Death Canned Water Is Horrible     (Rants)
submitted by Scyber to Rants 3 months ago (+6/-1)
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My local dollar tree has them in stock this month so I decided to try 2 flavors - Mango & Lime.
First off, I hate sparkling water. I didn't know their flavored water is sparkling.
Second, they taste like shit. The lime one tastes like a shitty watered down Sprite with a metallic taste even when poured into a glass.
Third, this water gave me a stomach ache and when I googled 'Liquid Death stomach ache' this article from a few weeks ago
popped up. Apparently there are unsafe amounts of PFAS, high chromium and nitrate levels and they're no longer getting their water from the Austrian Alps, but rather a spring in Virginia.

Not to mention the ridiculously high prices they want for a 12 pack which are about $15.

I think this is another goyslop gimmick that won't be around much longer, similar to sodas like Kick, Surge and Jolt.
Back in the day...watching Israel's Iron Dome in action is like a re-watch of Saddam Hussein's Scud Missiles hitting Israel in 1991. Anyone else old enough to remember?     (
submitted by paul_neri to Rants 3 months ago (+5/-0)
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I fuckin hate meteorologists     (Rants)
submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to Rants 3 months ago (+24/-3)
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First, they're all a bunch of fucking liars. You telling me that we can land a remote controlled robot of fuckin Mars, drive that nigger around taking pictures and drilling holes and shit, but you mother fuckers can't accurately tell me if it's gonna rain tomorrow? Fucking. Bull. Fucking. Shit. I ain't I ain't buying that shits, it's fuckin too expensive. Y'all mother fuckers can control the god damn weather, you can can tell me if it's gonna fuckin rain tomorrow.

Second, and this almost pisses me off more, is the flimsy fuckin language they get away with using. There's not a god damn difference between partly cloudy and partly sunny. Why the two terms? Because they're trying to emotionally manipulate people, and it fuckin works! Another one is chance of rain, fuck chance of rain. They'll tell you that there's a 90% chance of rain and you won't see a fuckin drizzle. What does it even mean? Like, 90% of the area MIGHT get rain? Like there's a 90% chance that it rains for a minute, or it's gonna rain for 90% of the day? Be specific you cunts.

This brings me to my third gripe, arguably the biggest. Storm predictions. Fuck your spaghetti models, cones of probability, and European climate models. You know exactly where the fuck a big storm is gonna hit, just tell those people. Nah, instead what they do is this fear based BROADcasting to get everyone within 200 miles of the Gulf or Atlantic to panic buy beer, plywood, gas, water, and whatever the fuck else their scared minds think they might need if the power goes out for a couple weeks. Meanwhile, BP, Home Depot, and Anheuser Busch are rubbing their hands and licking their lips. It's fuckin sick, if you have never seen someone in the grips of hurricane fear, it is fucking sick.

So yeah, fuck those guys. TL;DR the weather channel is fake news and fuck you too.
We live in a world where if jews don't like you, it's perfectly acceptable for them to intercept your mail and implant hidden explosives... and most people think it's funny     (Rants)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to Rants 3 months ago (+48/-0)
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Fuck that. It's is a war crime. Israel is a terrorist state. Anyone laughing at this should be shamed. I'd be embarrassed if my government did this. If any other country did this people would care. Israel does not get a pass. Even those who hate jews are just laughing it off. We should be condemning this and using it as ammo against the state of Israel. We should be demanding a stop to all imports from Israel. What they did is unacceptable and everyone should be demanding we boycott the entire country.
You can't say "trannies" on twitter     (Rants)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to Rants 4 months ago (+15/-0)
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How does Elon get to masquerade around like a champion of free speech while censoring on behalf of leftist extremists? Fuck this cryptojew. I hope your son enjoys the gaping wound where his dick used to be. Failed father jewish fuck.
One of My Neighbors Already Has Their Halloween Decorations Up     (Rants)
submitted by Scyber to Rants 4 months ago (+8/-0)
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"Walmart & all the other chain stores have their decorations so now I need to CONSUME and decorate my lawn like a good goy NPC!"

Summer isn't even over. These people have no life.
braindead liberals only care about the grift     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 4 months ago (+10/-1)
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Talking to some cops and pensioners in NYC, and its always the same shit: destroy your country, destroy your state, do nothing about crime or gangs, prosecute citizens who did nothing wrong, blatantly ignore reality. Than when the going gets rough, cash out your pension, fuck off to Florida, and complain about how everything in NY is so bad. Nigga, YOU created, and enabled the fucking problem, you decrepit dipshits. But they get their platinum pensions, and move, leaving everyone else to carry on and deal with the mess.

I've also heard school teachers in NYC complain the kids arent what they used to be. Well who are the assholes teaching them these ways? Teachers act like tyrannical commies, and cash out on their pensions. They dont give a shit about the kids except as a mechanism to grift more money from the state. They give a shit NOW since they have to deal with the consequences of their outrageously shitty and retarded ideology biting them in the ass.

In the process, NYC and NY state will go hopelessly bankrupt, tax the living shit out of everyone beyond what they already do, and everyone will be poorer and more miserable for it. But at least, we can rest assured that the useless parasite assholes will have a comfy retirement for doing jack shit their entire career. And the entire time, the state and city will find new ways to shield city and gov employees from any accountability for their actions. Looking into the grift, the amount of money thrown at city employees is absurd, alongside their tax saving vehicle.

I didn't want you touching my shit anyway, d'quariius     (Rants)
submitted by Gowithit to Rants 4 months ago (+11/-1)
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They used to.That era is dead. Whatchu mean I can't be walking up hur in the 'mart just be doin' nothing?

Fuck you and fuck you Walmart and daily dot and everyone in those comments who said go slay girl with your bad self you tell 'em.

Daddy didn't teach you how to use an allen wrench and now that becomes my problem how???

Words and assembling hard. If only d'quariius realized he could kill like an extra hour on the floor by just doing the damn thing. I remember the toy guys jumping "I'll do it"! When someone needed a bike or something put together. Then the rest of the guys and other male customers would gather around and bullshit while it was being done.

But no.... niggers. Always and forever niggers.
I'm getting sick of companies making customers do their work.      (Rants)
submitted by Scyber to Rants 4 months ago (+30/-1)
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I go grocery shopping and the only lanes are self checkouts.

I bought a leather couch online which said "some assembly required" which I assumed meant connecting the back and screwing on the legs - not "full assembly required" and also get it delivered in 2 separate boxes with the second getting delayed for 4 days. Then the middle load-bearing leg snapped off as I was putting the couch together which took me over an hour by myself.

Bought a coffee table off Walmart's website which was on sale for 60% off but didn't say anything about putting it together. Well, sure shit it's a build-it-yourself with 20 parts and 140 screws, nuts & bolts. It's been sitting completely disassembled in my living room for almost a month.

I don't have the time or energy to do all this shit. I work a pretty physical job & on my feet all day and I'm pretty worn out after my shift. I'm in my 40s so I'm naturally tired and don't have much energy, and my weekends pretty much consist of me sleeping 10-12 hours on Sat/Sun.
I'm honestly getting fucking fed up with life altogether. Everything is 10 times worse than before the lockdowns. I don't need to explain everything, we're all living through it. Every single aspect of life has gotten worse, no matter how small or insignificant.
And no, I'm not having a "midlife crisis" or burnt out - I already had a breakdown in my mid-30s after my fiance broke off our engagement to move to Vegas to do porn and ended up dying of an accidental fentanyl overdose 2 years later. I wasted 10 years of my life with that bitch, several break-ups and getting back together.

Sorry for the rant. I gotta leave for work in 15 minutes...

Before anyone says I'm lazy or not trying hard enough - I work at a metal casting/foundry as a cleaner. I sweat my ASS OFF EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY REGARDLESS IF IT'S WINTER. I get paid decently with benefits & 401k.

But I live in a mid sized city filled with blacks, mexicans & middle east islams/muslims.
My coworkers are pretty much equal White guys, blacks & hispanic. My COUNTY is also pretty much divided into 3rds like that, with middle easterns trying to worm their way in but no one really wants them here because this is a Christian majority area. So now there's a pretty big backlash from the muslim & islamic communities trying to weasel their way into our lives with big money from other countries. And the odd/funny part about it is that they're living and opening businesses & mosques near our airport which is obviously causing our locals to blame them for 9/11 & also sell their homes & move out because locals don't want to be around these people.
I've been watching this slowly happen for the last 20 years or so because I grew up in that area.
The new marxist garbage im having to deal with: i am responsible for the behavior of others      (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 5 months ago (+7/-0)
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New marxist nonsense being peddled to me as if its Christian gospel (its really not but ok). There is this idea in NYC that I, a normal person, am responsible for the perception of how other act around me. Hence if someone insults me, it is my fault even if the other person is the one insulting me. If someone else is dangerous, it is my responsibility to make the criminal at ease ... If the criminal goes haywire, it is somehow my fault for making the criminal mad. I wish i was kidding, but this is legitimately how people think here. Given the choice between accountability for self and appeasing criminals, the majority would rather appease and solace criminals.

I used to live in a jew destroyed country and i saw firsthand what happened when that country was appeasing bantu pieces of shit. It's a complete shithole now. I am sure one day my people will rise up and get rid of the filth, but not after much suffering to the altar of jewish perversion and nigger retardation. But at lease it seems like my old friends are trying to do something about the bantu invasion. I am aware a criminal or a nigger will never like me, they hate me with every fiber of their blood. And yet I am told to love these subhuman pieces of shit. Why? What benefit do i get from loving people who want me dead? Why even pretend to like them when i know they will just kill me given the chance? Why am i putting my life at the hands of degenerate retarded kaffirs?