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submitted by drhitler to Rants 3 hours ago (+13/-0)
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EDIT : fixed the stupid POS had to uninstall a security update, didn't get the KB number. Now iam using a 3rd party tool to block all updates.

So you fucked up my whole computer again, even though i turned off your shit updates that have stopped my printer working you just installed the update again even though i told you to never update.


i swear to fuck iam going to go out and kick the fuck out of some jeet in a min, you fuck everything you touch dumb jeets

Oh and when it updated it put my computer in a weird tablet mode too, even though i never use it it just decided to force me to use tablet mode and i had to research how disable this retarded mode.

and no I can't use linux for this stuff.

EDIT : this is a production machine, if you have never cut vinyl you would have no idea about the little nuances that come with it and why iam not going to risk a linux machine even with virtualization.

stfu about your linux shit, its a GPWIN it dosn't even have linux drivers, its basically useless without the win10 drivers.

Liquid Death Canned Water Is Horrible     (Rants)
submitted by Scyber to Rants 5 days ago (+6/-1)
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My local dollar tree has them in stock this month so I decided to try 2 flavors - Mango & Lime.
First off, I hate sparkling water. I didn't know their flavored water is sparkling.
Second, they taste like shit. The lime one tastes like a shitty watered down Sprite with a metallic taste even when poured into a glass.
Third, this water gave me a stomach ache and when I googled 'Liquid Death stomach ache' this article from a few weeks ago
popped up. Apparently there are unsafe amounts of PFAS, high chromium and nitrate levels and they're no longer getting their water from the Austrian Alps, but rather a spring in Virginia.

Not to mention the ridiculously high prices they want for a 12 pack which are about $15.

I think this is another goyslop gimmick that won't be around much longer, similar to sodas like Kick, Surge and Jolt.
Back in the day...watching Israel's Iron Dome in action is like a re-watch of Saddam Hussein's Scud Missiles hitting Israel in 1991. Anyone else old enough to remember?     (
submitted by paul_neri to Rants 2 weeks ago (+5/-0)
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I fuckin hate meteorologists     (Rants)
submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to Rants 3 weeks ago (+24/-3)
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First, they're all a bunch of fucking liars. You telling me that we can land a remote controlled robot of fuckin Mars, drive that nigger around taking pictures and drilling holes and shit, but you mother fuckers can't accurately tell me if it's gonna rain tomorrow? Fucking. Bull. Fucking. Shit. I ain't I ain't buying that shits, it's fuckin too expensive. Y'all mother fuckers can control the god damn weather, you can can tell me if it's gonna fuckin rain tomorrow.

Second, and this almost pisses me off more, is the flimsy fuckin language they get away with using. There's not a god damn difference between partly cloudy and partly sunny. Why the two terms? Because they're trying to emotionally manipulate people, and it fuckin works! Another one is chance of rain, fuck chance of rain. They'll tell you that there's a 90% chance of rain and you won't see a fuckin drizzle. What does it even mean? Like, 90% of the area MIGHT get rain? Like there's a 90% chance that it rains for a minute, or it's gonna rain for 90% of the day? Be specific you cunts.

This brings me to my third gripe, arguably the biggest. Storm predictions. Fuck your spaghetti models, cones of probability, and European climate models. You know exactly where the fuck a big storm is gonna hit, just tell those people. Nah, instead what they do is this fear based BROADcasting to get everyone within 200 miles of the Gulf or Atlantic to panic buy beer, plywood, gas, water, and whatever the fuck else their scared minds think they might need if the power goes out for a couple weeks. Meanwhile, BP, Home Depot, and Anheuser Busch are rubbing their hands and licking their lips. It's fuckin sick, if you have never seen someone in the grips of hurricane fear, it is fucking sick.

So yeah, fuck those guys. TL;DR the weather channel is fake news and fuck you too.
We live in a world where if jews don't like you, it's perfectly acceptable for them to intercept your mail and implant hidden explosives... and most people think it's funny     (Rants)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to Rants 1 month ago (+48/-0)
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Fuck that. It's is a war crime. Israel is a terrorist state. Anyone laughing at this should be shamed. I'd be embarrassed if my government did this. If any other country did this people would care. Israel does not get a pass. Even those who hate jews are just laughing it off. We should be condemning this and using it as ammo against the state of Israel. We should be demanding a stop to all imports from Israel. What they did is unacceptable and everyone should be demanding we boycott the entire country.
You can't say "trannies" on twitter     (Rants)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to Rants 1 month ago (+15/-0)
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How does Elon get to masquerade around like a champion of free speech while censoring on behalf of leftist extremists? Fuck this cryptojew. I hope your son enjoys the gaping wound where his dick used to be. Failed father jewish fuck.
One of My Neighbors Already Has Their Halloween Decorations Up     (Rants)
submitted by Scyber to Rants 1 month ago (+8/-0)
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"Walmart & all the other chain stores have their decorations so now I need to CONSUME and decorate my lawn like a good goy NPC!"

Summer isn't even over. These people have no life.
braindead liberals only care about the grift     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 1 month ago (+10/-1)
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Talking to some cops and pensioners in NYC, and its always the same shit: destroy your country, destroy your state, do nothing about crime or gangs, prosecute citizens who did nothing wrong, blatantly ignore reality. Than when the going gets rough, cash out your pension, fuck off to Florida, and complain about how everything in NY is so bad. Nigga, YOU created, and enabled the fucking problem, you decrepit dipshits. But they get their platinum pensions, and move, leaving everyone else to carry on and deal with the mess.

I've also heard school teachers in NYC complain the kids arent what they used to be. Well who are the assholes teaching them these ways? Teachers act like tyrannical commies, and cash out on their pensions. They dont give a shit about the kids except as a mechanism to grift more money from the state. They give a shit NOW since they have to deal with the consequences of their outrageously shitty and retarded ideology biting them in the ass.

In the process, NYC and NY state will go hopelessly bankrupt, tax the living shit out of everyone beyond what they already do, and everyone will be poorer and more miserable for it. But at least, we can rest assured that the useless parasite assholes will have a comfy retirement for doing jack shit their entire career. And the entire time, the state and city will find new ways to shield city and gov employees from any accountability for their actions. Looking into the grift, the amount of money thrown at city employees is absurd, alongside their tax saving vehicle.

I didn't want you touching my shit anyway, d'quariius     (Rants)
submitted by Gowithit to Rants 1 month ago (+11/-1)
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They used to.That era is dead. Whatchu mean I can't be walking up hur in the 'mart just be doin' nothing?

Fuck you and fuck you Walmart and daily dot and everyone in those comments who said go slay girl with your bad self you tell 'em.

Daddy didn't teach you how to use an allen wrench and now that becomes my problem how???

Words and assembling hard. If only d'quariius realized he could kill like an extra hour on the floor by just doing the damn thing. I remember the toy guys jumping "I'll do it"! When someone needed a bike or something put together. Then the rest of the guys and other male customers would gather around and bullshit while it was being done.

But no.... niggers. Always and forever niggers.
I'm getting sick of companies making customers do their work.      (Rants)
submitted by Scyber to Rants 2 months ago (+30/-1)
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I go grocery shopping and the only lanes are self checkouts.

I bought a leather couch online which said "some assembly required" which I assumed meant connecting the back and screwing on the legs - not "full assembly required" and also get it delivered in 2 separate boxes with the second getting delayed for 4 days. Then the middle load-bearing leg snapped off as I was putting the couch together which took me over an hour by myself.

Bought a coffee table off Walmart's website which was on sale for 60% off but didn't say anything about putting it together. Well, sure shit it's a build-it-yourself with 20 parts and 140 screws, nuts & bolts. It's been sitting completely disassembled in my living room for almost a month.

I don't have the time or energy to do all this shit. I work a pretty physical job & on my feet all day and I'm pretty worn out after my shift. I'm in my 40s so I'm naturally tired and don't have much energy, and my weekends pretty much consist of me sleeping 10-12 hours on Sat/Sun.
I'm honestly getting fucking fed up with life altogether. Everything is 10 times worse than before the lockdowns. I don't need to explain everything, we're all living through it. Every single aspect of life has gotten worse, no matter how small or insignificant.
And no, I'm not having a "midlife crisis" or burnt out - I already had a breakdown in my mid-30s after my fiance broke off our engagement to move to Vegas to do porn and ended up dying of an accidental fentanyl overdose 2 years later. I wasted 10 years of my life with that bitch, several break-ups and getting back together.

Sorry for the rant. I gotta leave for work in 15 minutes...

Before anyone says I'm lazy or not trying hard enough - I work at a metal casting/foundry as a cleaner. I sweat my ASS OFF EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY REGARDLESS IF IT'S WINTER. I get paid decently with benefits & 401k.

But I live in a mid sized city filled with blacks, mexicans & middle east islams/muslims.
My coworkers are pretty much equal White guys, blacks & hispanic. My COUNTY is also pretty much divided into 3rds like that, with middle easterns trying to worm their way in but no one really wants them here because this is a Christian majority area. So now there's a pretty big backlash from the muslim & islamic communities trying to weasel their way into our lives with big money from other countries. And the odd/funny part about it is that they're living and opening businesses & mosques near our airport which is obviously causing our locals to blame them for 9/11 & also sell their homes & move out because locals don't want to be around these people.
I've been watching this slowly happen for the last 20 years or so because I grew up in that area.
The new marxist garbage im having to deal with: i am responsible for the behavior of others      (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 2 months ago (+7/-0)
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New marxist nonsense being peddled to me as if its Christian gospel (its really not but ok). There is this idea in NYC that I, a normal person, am responsible for the perception of how other act around me. Hence if someone insults me, it is my fault even if the other person is the one insulting me. If someone else is dangerous, it is my responsibility to make the criminal at ease ... If the criminal goes haywire, it is somehow my fault for making the criminal mad. I wish i was kidding, but this is legitimately how people think here. Given the choice between accountability for self and appeasing criminals, the majority would rather appease and solace criminals.

I used to live in a jew destroyed country and i saw firsthand what happened when that country was appeasing bantu pieces of shit. It's a complete shithole now. I am sure one day my people will rise up and get rid of the filth, but not after much suffering to the altar of jewish perversion and nigger retardation. But at lease it seems like my old friends are trying to do something about the bantu invasion. I am aware a criminal or a nigger will never like me, they hate me with every fiber of their blood. And yet I am told to love these subhuman pieces of shit. Why? What benefit do i get from loving people who want me dead? Why even pretend to like them when i know they will just kill me given the chance? Why am i putting my life at the hands of degenerate retarded kaffirs?
Immigration Is Out of Control in America.... [8min Video]      (
submitted by Scyber to Rants 2 months ago (+4/-0)
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Even the normie douchebag jewtube "influencers" are getting fed up with illegal shitskins invading our country.
when did people get so ... retarded     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 2 months ago (+25/-1)
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A lot of people in my family think only in terms of vacations and short term gratification. When you ask them to think of the future, plan ahead, not spend money like complete decrepit niggers, or ask them for basic boundaries or privacy, it simply cant be done. These people dont care, they cant even think as to why any of these things are important. They don't care about their own country, their state, their community, nothing. Someone else will fix it, someone else will pay for it, lets keep bringing in more niggers and mexicans.

I once tried to get a gov employee to think about where his own paycheck came from. Who pays him, where does the money come from. Guy didn't give a flying fuck, as long as someone else pays him. The long lasting damage from his pay and benefits isnt his problem to deal with, and yet deep down, it actually is. But everyone now has this mentality of fuck you, someone else can fix this problem for me. When it all comes crashing down though, these people will be hopelessly unprepared to give up their old lifestyle. Telling them to make do within their own means is impossible now, i cant imagine what will happen when they are forced to
Why are people obsessed with cheap guns?     (Rants)
submitted by MaryXmas to Rants 2 months ago (+8/-1)
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InB4 but Glocks are cheap and I love them! Yeah, they are cheap. The distinction is - are you buying the item because of the item quality / performance, or because of the price? Find the item first and then figure out how to come up with the cash, don't take short cuts.
NYPD: The finest of the suck     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 2 months ago (+21/-1)
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Seriously these people are beyond useless. Someone accidentally turns right on red, and the full force of the NYPD will come down on you. They'll even bitch they're cutting you a break and how you should be sucking their dicks for not harassing you more. Meanwhile niggers and criminals steal, rape and kill with impunity, and the NYPD is nowhere to be found. Fucking assholes, shaking down the easy prey. NYPD got caught committing credit card fraud with one of their victims, but that story was buried. Dont you know, its the finest of the finest, now shut the fuck up and pay our pensions!
Con Edison, the criminal utility company      (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 2 months ago (+15/-0)
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I find it ironic the company is named after a sleazy business man who stole all his inventions from an inventor. Really highlights what kind of company this is and its core values. Heck the deception is in the name: Con and Edison. Beyond that, they decided to increase the rates by 30-50%. So on top of paying for solar panel fees for which most houses dont quality, but hey, fuck you get billed anyways, the people of NY/NJ also get the pleasure of paying 30-50% more for energy. Guaranfuckingtee you the reason isn't even inflation, its having to pay lucrative gov pensions and benefits.

Turns out lavish gov jobs are expensive, and the money has to come from somewhere. In typical liberal commie form, the taxpayer and working man gets fucked again so asshole champagne morons who contribute nothing to society, can live in their ivory towers looking in disgust at the people making their living possible.
My contractor is fleecing me     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 2 months ago (+2/-2)
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The claim is they did a bunch of work (they didnt), but they are also quoting me for services they never did. I know these people can get pricy but they're essentially charging me for what amounts to removing some carpet, using a few moisture fans and helping me clean the gutters. None of it was replace by them either, that was done separately. And they want 20 THOUSAND dollars for this work. This is why i hate insurance, it makes owning a home unaffordable and balloons up the costs of even the most basic work imaginable into the price of a new car.
I locked myself and the missus out of the house yesterday. Cost $160 Aus to get a locksmith.     (Rants)
submitted by paul_neri to Rants 2 months ago (+17/-3)
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We have an internal door to the laundry and in 15 years of living in the place didn't notice it was lockable until I inadvertently locked it. Pushed the button in as I opened and closed it. Suddenly the missus and I were homeless except for a laundry. It was terrifying. We had spare keys outside to the outside door of the laundry, which is the door we always used to enter the house, but only one spare key to the front door (which was on my key ring in the house which I couldn't access) because we don't use it and certainly no key to the internal door I managed to lock.

Went next door to our new neighbours and asked if I could use their phone and this very competent young lady who was visiting found the locksmith's number and put me on to him. But he had another job and was unsure if he could come. We were locked out. Had no money and it's very cold at night. Anyway the locksmith turned up and he wasn't happy about it. He couldn't open the front door and after much trying managed to open the internal door I locked.

Today I went into town to get three new spare keys for the front door ($32 Aus). Came home and not one worked. Went back and the man worked on them again and said he was 99.9% sure they'd work but the only sure way of matching the keys to the lock was to have the lock. Came home and not one worked. So I took out the lock and brought that back to the shop. The man said it was a paper-width of difference that was causing the trouble. Took the lock and keys back home and after much effort (I'm not mechanically skilled) reinstalled the lock - upside down and the thing wouldn't lock. After much effort took it out again and repositioned it so the button-lock worked and after much effort got the stupid thing in the door where it worked and the new keys worked too.

Moral of the story - how one tiny action (me accidentally pushing a button) can have such consequences. Anxiety, effort and cost. I also bought a box of chocolates ($20 Aus) for the people next door. The overall cost ... $200!
My mother in law turned my wife into an ardent super feminist     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 2 months ago (+5/-3)
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My mother in law is one of those nosy, arrogant assholes who constantly needs to be involved in everyone else's business. This cunt in law has done it all: lied, cheated, deflected, gaslighted, and used every emotionally manipulative jew tactic one can think of against me.

Most of it failed though. Instead, the mom decided it would be easier to emotionally manipulate the shit out of my wife instead. I guess it worked, since my wife no longer does any house chores, no real cooking, cleaning, or really anything. Heck, at this point my wife takes her mom's advice more seriously than my own, and telling her to fucking stop has netted no results. I suspect some kind of Stockholm syndrome, since my wife is now making excuses for her mom's behavior.

It almost seems like over the very short course of a year or so, my wife has been hyper radicalized by the mom to be some kind of liberal feminist asshole. And that's the thing, she used to be normal, caring and understanding but through the power of her mom's influence, she's become more useless than a nigger in a woodpile.
Nigger fatigue rant     (Rants)
submitted by chump to Rants 2 months ago (+19/-0)
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Years ago I bought a house I couldn’t really afford in the white WASP enclave here. For 20 years, it was great. Hardly ever saw any groids. They were so infrequent, it was strikingly odd to see one. And they were the domesticated ones, that somehow managed to get their shit together and hold down a good job.
About 3-4 years ago, it changed. Started seeing them more. Now, every time; the store, the gas station, restaurant, I see at lest one. Often several every outing. Saw one on the golf course for the first time. And they’re nasty ghetto niggers.
They couldn’t afford to live here 5 years ago when houses were literally half the price, so how can they all be coming here now? Some serious fuckery going on.
Anyway, it’s really been depressing me lately.
Rant over.
Deleted my twitter     (Rants)
submitted by Niggly_Puff to Rants 2 months ago (+6/-1)
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Suspended again for 7 days. Fuck that, I suspend myself permanently. So much for free speech Elon you fucking kike.
dealing with overly zealous employees, why are people such faggots now     (Rants)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 3 months ago (+10/-0)
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I have the one coworker who simply does not shut the fuck up. Sometimes i want to just tell the guy to stop. He drones on for hours talking about mindless bullshit no one gives a crap about it. Log it, move on with your life. Stop dragging people into your bullshit problems. Every 10 minutes the guy needs advice on how to do stuff. Fucking do it, and stop asking me if it's ok. I dont fucking care how you fix it, but please for the love of God, fucking do it yourself first. If there's one thing i hate is people asking me how to do their own jobs. We didn't hire you so you can dump your job on someone else.

When I was starting you nutted up, did the work, and reviewed it later on WHEN IT WAS COMPLETED. And the senior employee would tell you to go fuck yourself until YOU figured it out. And if the work was shit, he would tell you, do it again, its shit. Now we have to cater to these fucking faggot morons because HR flips a lid if you tell these people to stop spam posting shit on your slack channel.

What happens when big daddy gov strangles innovation from an industry     (
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 3 months ago (+2/-1)
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The 747 and 777 from design to production: 4 years. Now, changing a fucking tire on the plane takes a month and the plane still crashes into the ground
Voat is a microcosm of America: "America doesn’t have to fall into a deep well of hatred just because the person next to you intends to vote for a different candidate? “We need more respect and more civil conversations".     (
submitted by paul_neri to Rants 3 months ago (+6/-2)
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God damn people are fucking stupid! Why is everyone so fucking retarded these days?     (Rants)
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to Rants 3 months ago (+32/-0)
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It’s Tuesday, not Monday, but seriously, everyone was Monday fucking stupid today. From driving into work, to the actual customers coming in, to the phone calls received, all of it. People can’t understand what you’re telling them. They park all retarded and can’t back out easily. People with literal mush mouth shit coming out of their cockholsters. The dumbest, most obvious stuff goes right over their heads, like talking to a retarded five year old. It’s not just women, some men too, but mostly women. And, it’s not just me. I overheard a few calls the wife was on and it was painful to listen to. She was annoyed as well, except she handles it better than I do. She shrugs it off, where I want to invite them in so I can bitch slap them at least, or kill them at most. Kidding. Not really though.

Pulling into work this morning, there was a customer parked where there is shade, but right in front of our delivery area. Trucks come in and out all day. I need to get that part painted out as a loading zone. Just as I parked, she got in her car and couldn’t figure out how to back up and get out, it took her three cuts, because, stupid boomer woman driver and all. Pissed me off, I hate seeing stupid. Literally I am bothered by witnessing stupid. It brings me down. Verifies I’m surrounded by fucking morons. Like just how are you 70 years old and don’t know how to back up? How the fuck did you get this far in life being so stupid? I’m not perfect, but you’ll never pin stupid on me.

Ugh, maybe tomorrow will be better.