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Community for : 2.9 years

Trump shit

Owner: FuckYou77


Trump Found Guilty On All 34 Counts     (
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to Trump 3 days ago (+45/-2)
95 comments last comment...
Trump Vows: I Will Rip Up, Throw Away WHO Pandemic Agreement     (
submitted by iSnark to Trump 3 days ago (+28/-0)
36 comments last comment...
accelerationism it is then     (Trump)
submitted by con77 to Trump 2 days ago (+11/-0)
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just fucking disgraceful. they should be careful what they wish for
Trumper Gets Fed Time For Threatening Feds Online. Released From the Can and Jobless and Homeless. Can't Even Get a Restaurant Gig     (
submitted by TheBigGuyFromQueens to Trump 5 days ago (+10/-0)
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I had to look his case up, because the only way you can't get hired in restaurant is if you're a sex offender or show up high. Restaurants hire all manner of scumbags. They're blackballing this guy because he is a rabid Trumper. This poor bastard is 47 and fucked:
what kind of man     (
submitted by con77 to Trump 2 days ago (+9/-0)
in 17 years the Emporer will exact revenge     (
submitted by con77 to Trump 2 days ago (+13/-5)
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catturd     (Trump)
submitted by con77 to Trump 2 days ago (+8/-1)
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The best thing about President Trump is his daughter didn’t leave her diary in a rehab facility stating that her dad showered with her at an inappropriate age, and his son isn’t a crackhead who videos himself naked a thousand times smoking crack and doing coke lines off hooker’s butts, while weighing pounds of crack on a scale and waving around an illegal firearm, and doesn’t pay taxes on all his bribes and extortion in China and Ukraine, and sleeps with his dead brother’s wife, and gets strippers pregnant and denies the baby is his even his although DNA proves that it is.
catturd     (Trump)
submitted by con77 to Trump 2 days ago (+4/-0)
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Dear Republican Party ...

I don't want to hear another damn word about Ukraine.
I don't want to hear another damn word about Israel.
I don't want to hear another damn word about GAZA.
I don't want to hear another damn word about Taiwan.
I don't want to hear another damn word about any other country except the USA, you America-last war pigs.

The fascist Democrat Party has completely destroyed our country from within, we have a wide open border, and they're shitting on the Constitution while you spineless, coward losers get rich on insider trading, rage tweet, and talk about your "principles."

They're literally arresting their political opponents and their lawyers and having kangaroo communists show trials - and you pitiful, worthless losers are doing absolutely nothing.

If you don't have balls to fight for freedom - RESIGN
Cry-Baby     (
submitted by Sector2 to Trump 2 days ago (+1/-0)
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Remember Trump signed an executive order to "combat anti semitism"      (
submitted by Sal_180 to Trump 15 hours ago (+2/-1)
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Remember kids, Zognald defines anti semeitism as “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities”