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Owner: theBreadSultan


Leftists really can't meme. They don't know Brandon.      (
submitted by Typhoon8 to VoatLeft 2.6 years ago (+5/-0)
The US military shoukd be disbanded and replaced with a small border force - savings to be spent on universal healthcare     (VoatLeft)
submitted by theBreadSultan to VoatLeft 2.6 years ago (+5/-1)
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lets burn some internet points!


Since the end of WW2, The US has been responsible for over 50% of Global defence spending every year, until very recently, and even then, still biggest spender by far. There is a saying in defence and strategic planning circles that goes:

"If the US went to war with every country on earth, they would probably win"

The entire Mars curiosity mission - represents approx 2-3 minutes of US defence spending, let that sink in.

Why the US doesn't need a military

Most of your money that gets hoovered up by defence spending - doesn't help you.
Last year, each of you tax payers spent $10 to stop North Korea invading South Korea ($1.5 billion total) - yet South Korea spends $43bn on defence with an N-nunber of 3.3million people (making it one of the largest armed forces in the world) - and thanks to Samsung's arms has some the most sophisticated drones in existence.

Would North Korea really invade the south if the US pulled out? no, and even then, so what if they did?

The money saved from disbanding the military would save some $700bn a year. combined with the savings of cutting out the (((insurance company middle men))) - which costs $600bn - and added to existing $1.3 trillion the US gov is already spending on healthcare, is enough to make medicine free at the point if use.

This has the knock on effect on increasing productivity across all sectors if the economy, and improving working conditions, as someone isn't going to be forced to stay in a cunt jib because their kids need braces.

What would happen

Existing assets could be sold to relevant regional allies - generating loads of cash and on going service contracts (imagine the DOD contributing to revenue).

No one will invade, everybody happy.
There are zero downsides to this idea

Socialism in the classroom     (VoatLeft)
submitted by WanderingToast to VoatLeft 2.5 years ago (+2/-0)
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National Socialism is the political ideology that is best for normal everyday people.

It is so effective at this that it has been closely and purposefully associated with genocide - so as to prevent anyone from even looking beyond the name.

Socialism too, has been the subject to a (((media))) wide propaganda campaign, because once people are on board with socialism, it's only a matter of time before they realise it's best when given a national inclination.

From spending as much time on this site as I do (sorry wife), is that what most here think of as socialism is communism

What most people think of as communism is Stalinism.

I'm going to use the allegory of a classroom to demonstrate the difference.

Capitalism (pure-milton)

All families must pay for school. Those that cannot, do not get their children educated. In the classroom the teacher tells the kids to go collect a textbook from the cupboard. The children go to collect the text book in the order of how much their parents paid.

Little Billy's parents paid the least, so he always goes last. He gets the most knackered textbook. If his book is missing the page of that days lesson, either he obtains charity from someone willing to share, or misses out.

The teachers time too, is doled out in a similar way. Gregory (the rich kid) will always have the teacher sat next to him for 10minutes, regardless if he needs the help or not.


See all kids get the same grade 'socialism' post that did the rounds a few days ago.
This is communism.

Every kid will get 5 minutes of teachers time, no more no less.
When little Billy points out page 27 is missing from his textbook, the teacher will figure out a way to teach without using page 27.


This is basically what you experienced in school.
Teachers time is divided by need, if page 27 is missing, teacher will instruct Dave to share with Billy. Next time it might be Gregory sharing with Jane. The students are left to their own devices to figure out who gets what textbook, and the energetic ones who get to the cupboard first are rewarded with first pick.

Some examples of socialist institutions in the USA:

The defence department

The roads and infrastructure

The state department


Everyone chips in, and services are provided based on need.

Have the Russians just invaded your town? The defence department isn't going to look at the tax receipts when deciding it's response.

And when you add on to this, that the government is supposed to serve the people of that nation, that culture, and should promote and protect that culture and people...

You've got national socialism.

It puts people before ((profit)), but without the need for centralisation and heavy government interference.
CRT is retarded because....     (VoatLeft)
submitted by WanderingToast to VoatLeft 2.6 years ago (+3/-2)
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You should only judge people based on what class they are.

Class determines culture.

Culture is what counts.
Please stop resisting the Great Reset, it's going to help you     (VoatLeft)
submitted by WEFdeniableaccount to VoatLeft 1.6 years ago (+3/-2)
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I understand that some of you may be suspicious of the WEF agenda, and that some of you may even be afraid.

Please do not be afraid of the great reset, instead embrace the change.

Do you hate 'useless eaters' who contribute nothing to humanity?

So does the WEF, and there is a plan to get rid of them.

Do you hate pointless officials and petty laws?

So does the WEF, and there is a plan to get rid of them.

I am here to tell you that the WEF is not your enemy, it is your friend.

Leftists start soft, then become Stalin.     (
submitted by Typhoon8 to VoatLeft 2.6 years ago (+-2/-0)
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Private car ownership should be banned     (VoatLeft)
submitted by theBreadSultan to VoatLeft 2.9 years ago (+3/-12)
46 comments last comment...
Cars are very wasteful, you buy a car, but for most people it just sits empty and unmoving for most of the day.

If the government owned all the cars and citizens (and select non citizens) were issued with travel credits to use public cars instead, then everyone could get free use of a car (paid for by general taxation) and land currently being used for large car parks could be used for affordable and social housing.

I see this as an absolute win,

Because car ownership costs drop to zero
No maintenance or fuel costs (its covered with gov credits)
And its good for the planet (obviously cars will have to be eV)

What do you guys think?

Would you give up your car if you could just 'rent' one for free from the government?