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Community for : 9 months

A sub dedicated to shining a light on the completely broken voting system in america. 2 party bullshit. 2 leaning towers of garbage ideology holding each other up.

Owner: gaperglory


What would Dale Gribble Do?     (
submitted by gaperglory to VotingIsForRetards 9 months ago (+12/-1)
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R.I.P Johnny Hardwick (Bona Fide Conspiracy Theorist)
Johnny Hardwick was a comedian and "conspiracy theorist" who was initially attracted to the character of dale gribble, because like gribble, Hardwick had a very strong distrust for the federal gov't and a lot of interesting ideas about UFOs and ETs, which at the time of publication were considered to be "crazy".
Jimmy Kimmell Live is hosted inside a Masonic Temple     (
submitted by BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod to VotingIsForRetards 3 weeks ago (+4/-0)
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American democracy summed up in one question.     (VotingIsForRetards)
submitted by gaperglory to VotingIsForRetards 9 months ago (+1/-2)
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Do you prefer oil or water based lube? Its your ass... err, Vote!