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Owner: oppressed


I could get fully behind that!     (
submitted by con77 to WhiteNationalism 4 days ago (+53/-1)
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once the first few hundred are dead the rest may learn
Paris Hilton speaking about Negroes     (
submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 3 days ago (+19/-1)
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Russians arent pussies like so many westerners     (
submitted by con77 to WhiteNationalism 4 days ago (+40/-3)
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self confidence is the best thing a man can wear     (
submitted by con77 to WhiteNationalism 1 day ago (+7/-0)
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deadlifting 405 lbs was the real confidence booster
I wore a black T shirt yesterday that read EXTREMIST in large white letters     (WhiteNationalism)
submitted by con77 to WhiteNationalism 4 days ago (+13/-1)
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I saw numerous people eyeball it but no one said a word

I look like an old biker

Im gonna order one on amazon that says NATIONALIST in big white letters
Paris Hilton's Racial, Homophobic, & Other Offensive Slurs Exposed on Video Tape (Paris Exposed)     (
submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 2 days ago (+3/-5)
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1:17 - time tag for when paris says faggot

2:45 - time tag for when paris says nigger

She's quite nice and should be commended by the US president and Civil Rights groups. Since racial distinctions are both beneficial and taboo, she deserves a civil rights award for being so brave to speak racial distinctions, at a time when Whites must have racial distinctions to overcome White Genocide.
Part of Amren's mission needs to develop and search for more Jared Taylors, groom them to lead White people for when Jared leaves this world from old age.     (WhiteNationalism)
submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 1 week ago (+14/-1)
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origin of america was white, meme     (
submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 2 weeks ago (+22/-0)
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How Jews deracinated Whites original content     (WhiteNationalism)
submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 3 weeks ago (+6/-0)
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Jews worked hard to destroy in-group preference for Whites because Jews thought racially conscious Whites would lead to "anuddah holocaust" for them. Many White traitors, and most non-Whites, acted in tandem with the Jews. Jews destroyed in-group preference for Whites by espousing anti-racism on all mainstream media platforms 24-7-365.

In addition, powerful Jews used their racial cronyism to assure other Jews and Jewish ideas would be hired in top positions of entertainment industry, movie production, television, media, government agencies, corporations, banking families, etc.

All of society was Jewish-dominated which assured White Nationalist voices could never reach the masses with consistency. All day every day, national television and radio was a steady stream of anti-Whitism and lies about racial equality. Blacks were always portrayed as non-harmful, civilized, and friendly, such as by Al Roker. There was never any mention of multiracialism being bad or harmful to White people. Quite the opposite, in fact: all humanity was made to hate and curse White Nationalism by the Jew. The thought of any White person seeing race or not wanting diversity was supposed to make all of humanity revulsed.

Through Jewish media control, Whites were made to have the same sensitivities and proclivities over race that Jews have. The same neurosis they have against "racism" and "anti-semitism."

That meant Whites needed to constantly think about and appraise their own race from the perspective of a poorly mistreated Black slave, or a holocaust survivor, or colonized Indians. There was no room left for White positive identity to exist under the anti-racism that dominated western civilization. It was socially taboo to even care about the White race for decades.
After speaking with @MasterFoo, I just realized that Marvel Comic Book CUCKs can't possibly conceive of the Fact that     (WhiteNationalism)
submitted by iSnark to WhiteNationalism 1 month ago (+7/-4)
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They'll have all of eternity in hell, elbow to elbow with all the races and other demonic religions that have ever existed in this world. I guess I could be wrong, and there's a white ethno-section of hell, but I seriously doubt it...

Turn from your arrogance and ignorance @MasterFoo and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior!
A question for bikers     (
submitted by con77 to WhiteNationalism 1 month ago (+2/-0)
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is this patch arrangement acceptable for an unaffiliated rider? if not Ill move the Harley patch to the side or front.

@Zyklonbeekeeper you awake?
Racial identity is a gift given to people by God, and the media's deterrence, censorship, and demonization of White Nationalism as "racist" is therefore ungodly. original content     (WhiteNationalism)
submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 1 month ago (+5/-0)
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Racial identity is a gift given to people by God, and the media and government's deterrence, censorship, and demonization of White Nationalism as "racist" is therefore ungodly.

Jews fight against White Nationalism as their mortal enemy, yet White Nationalism is the only ideology that actually cares about or can save White people.

White Nationalism is the ONLY political ideology that wouldn't replace Whites. That's why every other ideology hates it and seeks to silence it.

Jews put Jews first and demand Whites aren't put anywhere.

White Nationalism is where Whites are put first.

Hackers breach White Nationalist Andrew Tate’s online university—obtain chat logs and leak data on 800,000 users     (WhiteNationalism)
submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 1 month ago (+2/-0)
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Hackers breach Andrew Tate’s online university—obtain chat logs and leak data on 800,000 users

If you don't know how based Andrew is, watch this clip with him and Nick and Sneako

Also, he is part black
handsome truth risks his life to yell at non-white in traffic     (
submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 2 months ago (+16/-1)
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Nick Fuentes on how to make friends and win allies to White Nationalism     (
submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 2 months ago (+2/-1)
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never again means never again will they let white nationalists to have power, or even to let there to be any criticism of jewry     (
submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 2 months ago (+34/-0)
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never again is a rallying call to jews to combat white nationalism and fulfill total jewish global domination, unimpeded
Since White Nationalism has for decades been persecuted and denigrated, it means Whites themselves are the persecuted people.     (WhiteNationalism)
submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 2 months ago (+22/-0)
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White Nationalism is the ideology created by Whites to explain and pursue what's good for Whites.

Since White Nationalism has for decades been persecuted and denigrated, it means Whites themselves are the persecuted people.
The main reason most Whites have fought against White Nationalism for the past 70 years is because their mainstream media has been against White Nationalism.      (WhiteNationalism)
submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 2 months ago (+60/-0)
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The main reason most Whites have fought against White Nationalism for the past 70 years is because their mainstream media has been against White Nationalism.

Do you agree?

And Whites need to be pro-White Nationalist in order for them to end White Genocide.

Therefore, ending White Genocide means conquering the mainstream media with White Nationalism.
Show Normies These Videos proving race matters: original content     (WhiteNationalism)
submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 3 months ago (+15/-0)
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Show Normies These Videos proving race matters:

Negro DNA makes the poorest countries in the world, logical reasons to racially separate:

Brazil proves non-White gene pools are dangerous to Whites:

Documentary - White Man Explores Haiti And The Black Gene pool:
White family flees White Genocide in eastern USA for Idaho     (WhiteNationalism)
submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 3 months ago (+38/-1)
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This White man is a good writer.
A decade ago, our neighborhood racial demographic was mixed, but clearly the majority of people were white. As years went by and more and more homes went up for sale, it seemed just about every new family moving in was black. Simultaneously, we noticed the types of crimes in the surrounding area were beginning to feel more like those of the city, not the small town we knew. Most disturbing to my wife and me were the crimes happening in local schools. Guns being brought to school, teenagers shot at football games, and the ever-increasing number of mass brawls at the local high school were all clear indications that things were changing for the worse.

We also began personally to have periodic encounters with blacks in and around our neighborhood. There were loads of children in the neighborhood, but the only one who consistently gave us any trouble was, surprise, a teenage black boy. He seemed to enjoy finding various ways to be a disrespectful punk, even toward those who were attempting to be kind to him.

Critical race theorists love to express public health concerns about how racism negatively effects the wellbeing of non-whites. If anything, whites are the ones experiencing negative health consequences as a result of living around large numbers of non-whites. I used to feel less safe around groups of blacks — not just physically, but also socially. Would a simple utterance or benign action be taken as evidence of racism on my part? Walking on eggshells and biting your tongue may be useful in avoiding unpleasant encounters with blacks, but it takes a toll on you emotionally, even spiritually. This was a burden I never fully appreciated until I no longer was forced to carry it.

Every day that I walk to pick my daughter up from her school, I am reminded of what a healthy white community feels like. Now when I think of the path my children’s lives are on, I smile instead of worrying. How lucky we are to live in a place where whites are the unquestioning majority. Our parents took this for granted 40 years ago and largely became complacent.
Elon Musk says he is not Jew     (
submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 3 months ago (+2/-0)
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Feds take down "neo-Nazi" gang in Los Angeles - RICO charged, life sentences incoming     (
submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 3 months ago (+1/-0)
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Live DEBATE: Keith Woods VS Daniel Haqiqatjou - White Identity and Immigration     (
submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 3 months ago (+1/-1)
Just read this comment section and tell me jews haven’t completely won     (
submitted by GreatSatan to WhiteNationalism 3 months ago (+3/-2)
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The glowie meme has reached its peak
Jews would cry the loudest if White Nationalists were being broadcasted on mainstream media/national television every day espousing White Nationalist values.     (WhiteNationalism)
submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 3 months ago (+4/-0)
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Jews would cry the loudest if White Nationalists were being broadcasted on mainstream media/national television every day espousing White Nationalist values.

That's because they know it would be the beginning of the end of Jewry's death grip over Western Civilization, and over humanity.