introductionsCommunity for : 3.6 years
The Official Sub for Introductions
Welcome New Talk Goat! Please feel free to introduce yourself to the community with a Discuss post. How you got here, where you came from, why you're here, whatever... it's nice to get to know you. Making a post and commenting is a great way to build up the points you'll need going forward
The site was created by "System" on 2021-02-26 in honor of, one of the last places for free speech on the web, and as a way to regroup that community after shuttering on 2020-12-25. The goal here is to allow for just about everything that's legal in the USA, just like the original voat. We do have a few simple
rules here though, please take a moment to check these out.
This site,, has a twin-sister site,; while the content and your submissions and comments are absolutely identical, you will need to be signed into both to move back and forth freely.
Some FYI's:
There are two kinds of points: Comment Contribution Points (CCP) and Submission Contribution Points (SCP). CCP's are earned from your fellow goats when you make comments and are up/down voted; SCP's is the same but refer to your Discuss or Link submission posts.
As a new goat, you will need 10CCP to create a Link post and any 10 pts total to upvote, so start on the site with Discuss posts and then make comments, you'll find that many here agree with your thoughts or enjoy some adversarial conversation. Vote as you wish, you can upvote 2x times as you can downvote, but you will need at least 25CCP to cast a downvote. Downvoted content is just a reflection of others' opinions, low numbers won't stop you from posting or commenting here.
There are tons of subverses where you can post/comment and the list grows everyday,
Explore Talk, with
v/whatever being a catch-all place to post. We have a few subs here that do have rules/guidelines so be sure to check the sub's sidebar for these.
In the top bar of the site, up towards the left, All is now a drop-down and gives you options for viewing the site. Subscribed shows you to all the posts for every subverse you've subscribed to, so you see only what you want when you want it, check out the other viewing options too. Don't see a sub to suit your needs, create one after you reach the 50CCP threshold! Viewing v/All here will show you every post from every sub no holds barred (unless you've excluded viewing some content, see below). Many users enjoy surfing the site sorting by New, this feature will also sort posts in any sub on the site too.
Visit your Profile Page to upload an avatar by clicking on your username! Here too you can access Account Options, tools that allow you to customize the site, from shutting off Adult-oriented posts to listening to the Chat window via text-to-speech to allowing YouTube links to embed. More options are added as we grow so check back to see what new options might be available.
Talk is often a free-wheeling place and there are times when you'd prefer not to see certain content, that's cool. In addition to customizing your views in Account Options, you may also Hide a post, Block a User, or even Block a Subverse should you so desire.
Found a bug? Look to see if someone else has reported it or make a post as needed in
Have an idea for the site? Check out
v/IdeasForTalk and start a new post or comment in an existing post!
As a new site, there's still some growing and learning going on but we hope you like what you see and want to make us a daily stop.
Join us, Goats have all the fun -- MaaaaaLOL! :)