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Community for : 11 months

This is for truly censored content, that's been downvote brigaded in both Reddit and Voat, because it triggers both sides of a bullshit false dialectic.

Some people can't handle actual centrism, which is like a Jedi mindtrick.

You can support traditional values, while still acknowledging individuality.

The Western value system has gone haywire into this individualist Jordan Peterson style philosophy.

Race is biology. I (moderator) make no claims about abstract IQ tests changed every day.

What we do know is that family matters, and race is naturally a part of that. The "racism" accusers rose wit the anti-family movement, and this is no coincidence.

There's more to life than being a basement dweller Voater or a no-lifer Reddit elitist.



Aaaaah aaaaaaa Hi again friend