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Community for : 3.3 years

The Official Sub for all things Voat
Everyone is welcome to add anything Voat-related.

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v/Announcements - sitewide official matters

v/IdeasForVoat - user submitted feature ideas

v/Introductions - come say hello

v/ReportSpammers - report users who are linking suspicious sites

v/VoatDev - post bug reports

Owner: MrGoat


Motion on the floor to change the name of Upgoat back to VOAT by any means necessary!     (Voat)
submitted by iSnark to Voat 1 week ago (+28/-2)
23 comments last comment...
Reminder     (Voat)
submitted by Spaceman84 to Voat 1 week ago (+4/-0)
9 comments last comment...
I hate almost every single one of you dumb gay niggers. Fuck you. Bunch of faggots and retards.
1990     (
submitted by Spaceman84 to Voat 23 hours ago (+2/-0)

It was originally made for an award show called The Ad Follies (produced by the Advertising Association of Baltimore) in 1990, to mock the top ad agencies in the city.

The ad was never aired on local television, and was never shared publicly, until a person who worked in a video production facility came across the tape. It was uploaded online in 2006, and circulated since then.