Mastercard Launches Its Biometric Retail Payment System In Europe, Using Poland As A Testing Ground     (www.nakedcapitalism.com)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to Technocracy 7 months ago (+3/-0)

After running pilot tests in Brazil and parts of the Asia Pacific for roughly two years, Mastercard is finally rolling out its biometric retail payments system in Europe. The world’s largest payment card company appears to be determined to wean consumers off not only cash, its eternal rival, but also credit and debit cards, its main line of business until now. To that end, it is piloting its Biometric Checkout Program in Poland in collaboration with local fintech company PayEye, which will be providing its iris and face biometric technology.
The Coming Ukraine Collapse and the “Rebuilding” Headfake     (www.nakedcapitalism.com)
submitted by beece to War 1.3 years ago (+8/-1)
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The Central Bank of Nigeria Just Paused Its Demonetization Program After Visiting Untold Damage on Nigeria’s Economy     (www.nakedcapitalism.com)
submitted by knightwarrior41 to Technocracy 1.8 years ago (+15/-0)
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Three months after the central bank launched demonetisation, economic conditions in Nigeria continue to deteriorate. Now, one of the country’s leading media organizations is calling for the arrest and prosecution of CBN’s governor.

As readers know, Nigeria is the world’s first largish economy to launch a nationwide central bank digital currency, the so-called eNaira. So far, it has been a complete flop. One year in, just 0.5% of Nigerians had downloaded the eNaira app. Of those, only 8% were actually using it, according to the IMF’s 2022 staff report. So, the government and central bank doubled down on their strategy. In October, they unveiled plans to replace all high-denomination cash bills in the economy as well as restrict cash withdrawals. That, too, has been an unmitigated disaster.

this is good news