Pro Basketball Player Who Blamed Heart Problem on COVID Vaccine Dies During Exercise Test     (www.ntd.com)
submitted by Stonkmar to DeathVax19 11 months ago (+3/-0)
Serious Offer: Nuclear Weapons for Everyone     (www.ntd.com)
submitted by LiberalsAreMental to news 1 year ago (+1/-0)
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Washington Doctor Facing Probe for Criticizing COVID Policies Wins Emergency Injunction     (www.ntd.com)
submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to Health 1 year ago (+16/-0)
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A Washington state appeals court has granted an emergency injunction to a retired doctor facing disciplinary action from the Washington Medical Commission (WMC) over articles he wrote against the official COVID-19 narrative in 2021.

Dr. Richard J. Eggleston, a retired ophthalmologist in Clarkston, Washington, faces disciplinary action over articles published in the Lewiston Tribune he wrote challenged the prevailing information and guidance regarding the pandemic.

During the pandemic, doctors could be accused of spreading misinformation if they provided advice contrary to the official information. This included, for example, advocating or prescribing treatments such as ivermectin or disagreeing with the effectiveness of face masks and vaccines

what was done was a crime of epic proportions. i salute this doctor in this memorial day because he was a true hero among the few
Did jew know we caught Joe Nigger? Sinaloa Cartel needs a new cook/ events planner. FETANYL BUST     (www.ntd.com)
submitted by SkullFuckerSupreme to whatever 1.3 years ago (+0/-1)
France Requires Heirloom Weapons to Be Turned In Across the Country     (www.ntd.com)
submitted by Steelerfish to Gunnews 1.5 years ago (+28/-0)
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Hundreds of Thousands of Americans Sought Medical Care After COVID-19 Vaccination: CDC Data     (www.ntd.com)
submitted by obvious to DeathVax19 1.7 years ago (+20/-0)
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"Some 782,900 people reported seeking medical attention, emergency room care, and/or hospitalization following COVID-19 vaccination. Another 2.5 million people reported needing to miss school, work, or other normal activities as a result of a health event after getting a COVID-19 vaccine."
"About 10 million people utilized V-safe during the period of time the data covers: Dec. 14, 2020, to July 31, 2022. "
Safe and effective!!
CDC Investigates E. Coli Outbreak in 4 States, Says ‘Many Sick People’ Had Eaten at Wendy’s Restaurants      (www.ntd.com)
submitted by nada to news 1.8 years ago (+2/-0)
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Because of it's "Zero-COVID Policy" - China Just Locked Down World’s Largest Wholesale Hub      (www.ntd.com)
submitted by beece to news 2 years ago (+4/-0)
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Bombing at Shia Mosque in Pakistan Kills at Least 56 Worshippers - See this as a False Flag attack by Israel designed to cause a rift between Sunni & Shia to their own ends, ie to take ppl's minds off of Zionist atrocity by claiming there is a ferocious war underway within Islam which is not true     (www.ntd.com)
submitted by TankTinker to whatever 2.2 years ago (+11/-2)
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Those who go on with with Sunni this and Shia that remain in violation of the instructions in the Koran to eschew sectarianism..

In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Be not of those who split their religion into sects.
The Koran: Chapter 30, verse 32.

Have nothing to do with those who divide their
Religion and break it into sects.
The Koran: Chapter 6, verse 159.

Agriculture, writing and the domestication of animals all originated in the Tigris / Euphrates region called Iraq, the tribes that have been located there since the time of Adam are the Sunni the Shia is every one else, the Sunni often don’t do manual chores and have been bringing in workers from other places for centuries.

These workers do not usually attend Sunni mosques which are most often built and maintained by a single extended family, they attend to their religious affairs in mosques that are located in working class areas of the city, that have become known as Shia Mosques.

At no time has war or conflict between the two sectors of society been permitted either under secular law or within the strictures of Islam, and all parties are aware murder is met with speedy and deadly retaliation according to the edict in the Koran.

Mediterranean Sea Physically Removes 39 Alien Invaders     (www.ntd.com)
submitted by anon to Physical_Removal 3.2 years ago (+6/-0)
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