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Only Mothers of Color

submitted by deleted to HDLunited 3.2 yearsApr 6, 2021 21:10:10 ago (+36/-0)     (HDLunited)


20 comments block

125 people, $1000 a month. $125,000 a month in total.

400,000/125,000 = 3.2 months.

To go on for 2 years it'll take $3 million. Which isn't ridiculous, just know that's just for 125 people.

Here's the demographics of the county according to wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marin_County,_California#2011

I'm curious about a couple things.
1, why are they doing it in a place that's 80% white?
2 Why are they doing it in a place with the "fifth highest income per capita in the United States at $91,483."?
3. Poor black mothers already have the biggest economic safety net in the form of food stamps, TANF, everything on this page https://moneyfit.org/low-income/california-resources , and not to mention private church charities all over the place. I think they people to show them how to fill out fucking forms, not new gibs.

California's fucking stupid and wasteful, but what's new? At least this'll provide another data point of UBI failing... again...