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Please remove the limits on voting.

submitted by SparklingWiggle to ProtectTalk 3 yearsMay 28, 2021 07:43:03 ago (+24/-8)     (ProtectTalk)

I upvote and downvote a lot. It is a quick way of showing agreement and support or disagreement and disapproval. I don't care about a ranking. Some people post and comment more than 10 times a day and if I want to upvote the comment and posts I agree with, but run out of votes, they may not feel supported and stop posting as much or at all. There are a couple of outliers on the site. Why is their behavior crafting the rules? Why is their behavior forming the culture.

In the real world, if many on this site had their way, the criminals would be executed. We would not limit or ban guns. Cull the chaff. Harvest the wheat.

36 comments block

try 0 points 3 years ago

Downvoting a single target by the JIDF shills, is one other reason. There are other reasons to prevent UP votes and downvotes to a single target.

Forum sliding should be discouraged, he wants to attack the same person too many times in a day.


SparklingWiggle want to attack specific people.

SparklingWiggle downvoted 328 TIMES, almost 10% (SparklingWiggle votes given: 4658 (+4330/-328))

While good citizens like myself NEVER DOWNVOTE people I disagree with. I never once downvoted and my account says so. 0 downvotes. refer : votes given: 498 (+498/-0)

SparklingWiggle seems to want to downvote 10% or so. Why ? Why does he need to "disapproval" ideas he does not understand or agree with?

down voting should be for commercial spam, illegal forms of speech, and gibberish share blue bot attacks.

down voting should not be for forum sliding and manipulation.... those are kike tactics.

People can downvote nearly all they want, they just cant attack the same person again and again more than 10 times in a short time period.