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Concert Tickets - $18 for vaxxed, $999 for unvaxxed.

submitted by WittyUserName to CovidWorldOrder 3 yearsMay 31, 2021 03:19:00 ago (+22/-0)     (archive.is)


There's a concert in St. Petersberg, Florida with a stipulation on attendance. Bring a photo ID and your vaxx card and you can get in with a massive discount.

Though who would be so hard up to go see Teenage Bottlerocket in the first place?

26 comments block

How did I know an autist like you was going to call me out on how many music venues we have? LOL


That's the best solution I've heard yet. I am not a member, but I'll happily stand outside with a sign and laugh at the wannabe-punk maskoids who fell for this stunt.