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America is already dead. The country we have known and loved is gone.

submitted by TexasVet to 14Words 2.9 yearsJul 3, 2021 08:29:55 ago (+27/-10)     (14Words)

At this point America is just a corpse that is being consumed by maggots.

Liberals are rooting for the maggots and conservatives are rooting for the corpse.... but it's just a corpse.

Now something will rise from the ashes of that corpse, but what will it be? I am hoping for a White country like we used to be before 1965, but the communist globalists are going to throw everything they have at us to make sure that what arises from the corpse will be the communist nation they so greatly desire. They threw the whole world at Germany to stop them and they will do it to us too.

I will fight, and more than likely die, to stop them. Yes I do not plan on making it out alive of the civil war that is inevitable at this point. Because I will be the tip of the spear. So I am counting on you my White brethren to make sure that what does arise from the ashes is either a revamped and strengthened form of the Constitution, or maybe even better yet, some type of National Socialism ver 2.0

I have faith in you.

21 comments block

Sigh, no.