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It's antisemitic to say anything jews don't like is antisemitic.

submitted by v0atmage to ShowerThoughts 2.9 yearsJul 15, 2021 17:33:22 ago (+41/-1)     (ShowerThoughts)

15 comments block

Just go out in public. Anywhere where there is people. Say out loud so everyone can hear. say " Jew ".. not loud or mean or anything. Just say Jew.

Congratulations everyone thinks you are antisemitic now.
If you talk about Jews, Jewish things or point out somebody is Jewish, that too is antisemitic if you are not a Jew.

Imagine a race of people so hated you have to make it illegal not to like them.
If they were going to make silly laws like that it should have been done full clownworld where it is illegal to hate anyone or not like anyone. But do not worry. That day is coming sooner than you think.