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Private car ownership should be banned

submitted by theBreadSultan to VoatLeft 2.9 yearsJul 21, 2021 11:03:01 ago (+3/-12)     (VoatLeft)

Cars are very wasteful, you buy a car, but for most people it just sits empty and unmoving for most of the day.

If the government owned all the cars and citizens (and select non citizens) were issued with travel credits to use public cars instead, then everyone could get free use of a car (paid for by general taxation) and land currently being used for large car parks could be used for affordable and social housing.

I see this as an absolute win,

Because car ownership costs drop to zero
No maintenance or fuel costs (its covered with gov credits)
And its good for the planet (obviously cars will have to be eV)

What do you guys think?

Would you give up your car if you could just 'rent' one for free from the government?

46 comments block

What do you mean no? This is an idea with literally zero drawbacks!!

It's a FREE car!