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ATTENTION! : Voat is UNDER ATTACK today by groups of paid Leftists meant to ruin social media sites that are 'Hate Thought' ! VOAT UNDER ATTACK!

submitted by try to ProtectTalk 2.9 yearsJul 26, 2021 20:37:33 ago (+35/-10)     (files.catbox.moe)


Example of all new content being slammed below Gabara (and many sockpuppets) gibberish on /"new" (v/all?view=new)



See? -4 downvotes in mere minutes , to "0" to reach the effect of it being lower than the gibberish signal to noise attacks today on voat.xyz


VOAT.XYZ is almost thoroughly compromised at this point by paid attackers, meant to disenchant any contributors that will now probably flee to less free sites like Gab and Poal.

Its the goal of leftists here to use the rules to destroy this site.

If downvotes were limited to 2% or less of upvotes given, this crap would stop, or if people could elect to have all their voted they receive be visible (up or down), these JIDF/ADL/SPLC ShareBlue Soros tactics would fail.

This site is Provably utterly ruined at the moment, and those two images illustrate a form "Gibberish attack" upon us.

I cant believe this is allowed to happen here. And it will only accelerate until no users are left.

Only paid Jews and paid leftists will remain!

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