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Spam is not free speech

submitted by Hey_guys_whats_up to whatever 2.8 yearsAug 4, 2021 09:50:21 ago (+26/-5)     (whatever)

Copy pasting news links with a script is not free speech.

Repeatedly posting the same topic over and over again is not free speech.

Using a bot to paste auto replies is not free speech.

Using multiple accounts to converse with yourself and manipulate what does and doesn't make it to the front page is not free speech.

We don't accept people posting kiddie porn, and we don't accept pajeets posting about dick enhancement pills, because we inherently accept that these actions are not a form of expressed speech. Yes, they involve speaking an idea, but that's not free speech.

These are not forms of speech anymore than me molesting a child would be a form of expressing myself. We have universally accepted limits on expression, it's simply up to the society to decide what is considered acceptable.

42 comments block

Why did you just post to the Reddit BLM forum about this place?