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Mussolini's speech in berlin 1937

submitted by fightknightHERO to HitlersGermany 2.8 yearsAug 10, 2021 13:42:06 ago (+10/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


We national socialists and Fascists want peace and will always be ready to work for peace
a genuine prolific peace which solves the questions that arise
from the coexistence of nations instead of looking on in silence
the whole world is asking itself anxiously what the result of the meeting in berlin will be:
peace or war?
both of us, the Furher and i, can answer with a loud voice: Peace!

just as 15 years of Fascism gave Italy a new face, externally and spiritually,
your revolution in Germany also gave Germany a new face:
new, even though it, as in italy, forms upon the highest and imperishable traditions which conforms the necessities of modern life
And i have wanted to see the face of the new Germany
and by seeing it now, i feel more strongly convinced
that this new Germany in its strength, it's entitled pride and it's peaceful spirit...
Is the fundamental element of European Life

We have many common elements in our Philosophies
not only national socialism and Fascism have the same enemies who serve the same master
the Internationals
but Fascism and National Socialism also have many ideas in common
in their conceptions of life and history
both believe in will as a determining force in the life of people
and as a driving force of their history
and both reject the teaching of the so-called historical materialism
and it's political and philosophical byproducts
both glorify labor in it's innumerable forms as a symbol of human nobility
both build on the youth whom we educate in discipline, courage, toughness, patriotism,and contempt of an easy life.

The revived Roman empire is the work of this new spirit which animates Italy
the german rebirth is equally the work of a spiritual power of the belief in a single idea
in which only one believed at first, then a small band of pioneers and martyrs, then a minority and finally an entire people.

Germany and Italy pursue the same goal, even in the field of economic autarchy.

without economic independence, the political independence of a nation itself can in question
and a people of great military strength can become the victim of an economic blockade
we realized this danger in its full immediacy when 52 states assembled in Geneva
and enacted the criminal economic sanctions against italy, sanctions which were executed in full scorn but
which did not attain their aim and only gave Fascist Italy the chance to show the world
and it's power of resistance.

despite all the pressure, Germany did not join the sanctions, we will never forget that!
this is the point in which the existence of a necessary cooperation between national socialist Germany
and Fascist Italy is completely clearly emerging for the first time.

Fascism has its ethics which it intends to remain faithful.

and these ethics are in accord with my personal morals:
speak clearly and openly, and, if you have a friend, march with him to the end.

Germany is awake, the third Reich is here.
i don't know if and when Europe will awake, as the Nuremberg congress said,
because secret forces well known to us are at work to transform a civil war into a world fire.

what is important is that our two great peoples, who account for a powerful and ever growing mass
of 115,000,000 men, are ranged side by side in a single minded unshakeable determination.

1 comments block

TFS 0 points 2.8 years ago

Interesting piece of history.