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It's almost like I predicted this less than a year ago...

submitted by Antiliberalsociety to MeanwhileOnRuqqus 2.8 yearsAug 12, 2021 22:11:07 ago (+29/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


So, hosting free speech isn't worth the risk to the longevity of your free speech site?

The kikery knows no bounds. Watch this be the excuse for shit canning the site. They're almost out of time for using the LLC as a write off anyways.

38 comments block

+StrangeCoincidences with a long sidebar and a lot of rules, going above and beyond to enforce the rules, more rules than ruqqus itself, where I deleted roughly 50-65% of all posts there for not following the rules--they still banned it. It wasn't about the rules, it was about control and squashing free speech.

I also stayed out of the drama for a long time, until suddenly they came to attack me and meddle in my guilds for no reason.

And that's a bullshit answer if I've seen one. Another strange coincidence. Shit just doesn't add up with them.