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Holocaust pics are fake?

submitted by throwaway789 to HolocaustWasFaked 3 yearsMay 27, 2021 08:47:24 ago (+2/-2)     (HolocaustWasFaked)

(don't judge me for my age pls) Today in history class, my teacher showed a powerpoint presentation with photos from holocaust. Stuff like dead jews, starved jews, dismembered jews, etc., and my teacher was saying how the nazis did all this stuff to jews in concentration camps for their entretainment and nazis were the peak of sadism and stuff...
I wanna ask, were these pics fake? Was "for their entretainment" fake? Was it fake that nazis were cruel people? If it was fake then what were the pics instead? Explain me please (preferably with sources)

6 comments block

Garret answered it. The Bolsheviks and those running the Soviet government were all jews. They helped to create the narrative, the lies, the faked evidence.