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How do you currently feel about the police, given the state of the nation?

submitted by 1Icemonkey to whatever 2.8 yearsAug 22, 2021 17:08:18 ago (+18/-1)     (whatever)

I don’t feel they are on my side any longer. I say, ‘fuck the police’.

This doesn’t mean I’m out to get them, or that I want to break any laws, it simply means, they are shit to me.

I don’t recognize them as friend.

38 comments block

Xantha 15 points 2.8 years ago

People are raised with a predilection towards police on purpose. The government has an vested interest in making sure you think of police positively, because it's one facet of 'consent' that allows you to be governed--- it's one piece of the pie that allows the system to exist as it does.

Cops aren't on your side, never were, never will be. I don't know if they ever were on normal people's side at one point, but it's certainly not been in my lifetime. Arguably reflecting back on historical police actions all the way back to the 1920's--- they've always been pulling mad shitbaggery on regular folks. All so their political masters would give them a nice little reach around for being good goys.

Just avoid them, there's no positive outcome that comes from interacting with them. It's like poison ivy or some other environmental hazard, acknowledge the danger and move on. Let them play the game of kneeling to niggers and kikes, if they get killed while being virtue signalling race traitors-- let them, its not your problem. The more of them get killed by the idiot policies they enforce the more likely some of them will wake up to the absolute fucking shitshow the West has become under Jewish Occupied Governments.

Just treat them like homeless junkies on a drug binge, they'll fuck you up if you get too close, so just stay away.

If you have a couple good brosefs, get yourselves organized and watch out for yourselves instead. I'd rather have a couple good bros who'll take turns shoveling when needed than some fag ZOGbot with a god complex who's only worried about polishing his badge and pension off.