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Religious exemptions are for the weak.

submitted by Yargiyankooli to whatever 2.6 yearsOct 22, 2021 17:47:47 ago (+50/-5)     (whatever)

You are playing into their game by offering a religious exemption
It legitimizes the fact that the vaccine mandate is an option. You do not need a religious exemption if you know you have individual bodily sovereignty and that a business or government has no business asking you about your medical history. regardless of your religion, asking for an exemption is still being a slave who needs to ask for permission to have the freedom to not take an injection.

You are still complying, this is the opposite of what we need to do. We need to flat out refuse to take part in any bit of the plandemic.

In b4 I am a glownigger.

48 comments block

See my reply to HughBriss in this thread.