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Soy found in 99% of canned tuna

submitted by NeedleStack to Based_Shopping 2.6 yearsNov 1, 2021 11:03:35 ago (+36/-0)     (Based_Shopping)

This was my personal observation. I haven't had canned tuna in years so I was shopping for some (to make tuna salad) and soy or soybean oil was listed in about 10 different (by brand and type of fish) cans' ingredients.

It didn't matter the brand and it didn't matter the type of fish (whether it was albacore or tuna).

It turns out that even if a can says it has "vegetable broth" there could be soy in the broth without them reporting it. I rarely buy packaged products so this was a real eye opener for me.

I finally settled on a brand that had only tuna and water.

Always check your food labels' ingredients (and screw Monsanto)!

29 comments block

I've only ever gotten it canned in water.