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Lift heavy, then extremity numbness

submitted by bobdole9 to PimsGym 2.6 yearsNov 8, 2021 17:56:19 ago (+5/-0)     (PimsGym)

Maybe some lifting goats have an idea of what I am talking about and know what to do to mitigate or prevent:

Recently got a smith machine set and got back to lifting for the first time since COVID bullshit shut the gyms down. Long time, but finally able to get the equipment I like. The problem I get (had this happen every time I lift, highschool, college, bachelor days, and now) is I will try a higher weight than I have before and I am able to move the weight, but the next day (sometimes in as little as a couple hours) it seems whatever extremity I was using would have numbness or feels like my nerves would be tight/strained/pulled.

Common case: I'd bench 10 - 15 reps in four sets. If I were to increase weight, my rep count usually would drop by two, but still do all four sets. I am able to complete the sets, but be damn near close to failure. Next day my fingertips go numb occasionally and the tendon/nerves that runs over the elbow (outside, think funny bone) would either go numb or be a dull throb. It usually takes a couple days, but then the numbness goes away.

I'm not lifting that extreme of a weight (yet) and eat right and stay hydrated. I have no idea if this is an actual (common) issue with other lifters, and if so would love to know what its called and how to mitigate or stop it. Hope its not the reason why I see a lot of people using compression sleeves around their joints...

Hard to get swole when your hands and feet are tingling.

7 comments block

Jiggggg 1 points 2.6 years ago

Very good advice. Stretching my hamstrings, quads, and butt makes my back feel great.