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Elevator Safety in Bugland

submitted by breh to ChinalDestination 2.5 yearsDec 9, 2021 17:43:23 ago (+25/-2)     (files.catbox.moe)


14 comments block

That's incredibly fucked up. Imagine being trapped in a small metal box with part of your friends' face for company.

All elevators over here (and in any first world country) are rigged so they won't go without their doors fully closed, and the doors reopen if they get stuck. Also they're usually not very strong to begin with.

Trouble is there's safety lockouts the elevator techs use to bypass those sensors when they're doing tests. I'm guessing someone was working on it and forgot to turn all the bypasses off.

Also if something very small got trapped (like a power cable in the OP) then I'm not sure the doors would sense it, causing the cable to be dragged down the elevator shaft.