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Nuke China

submitted by jewsbadnews to ChinalDestination 2.5 yearsDec 17, 2021 19:48:12 ago (+13/-2)     (files.catbox.moe)


25 comments block

Its because in China if you call an ambulance for someone else you are responsible for paying the ruinous transport fee. As a result no one will dare to get involved

Is that such a bad thing though? I don't want others to have the power to stick me with bills via a phone call and I don't want my money being used to "help" those who create their own problems so I wouldn't want a socialized system either. It makes sense that the caller should be stuck with the fee.

They didn't even need to call an ambulance though, just trying to make him move a couple feet so he isn't blocking the doorway would be enough for a resemblance to a functional society where you don't have to step on or over corpses just to get your daily routine accomplished.