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Queer milk

submitted by fightknightHERO to NotEvenHidingIt 2.4 yearsDec 29, 2021 07:51:06 ago (+27/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


This is a real article holy fucking shit ROFLMAO

i always jokingly said soy milk is faggot milk
and now it's a statement of fact! from their own mouths!

6 comments block

it's strange since 16th century japs considered soy unfit for human consumption and only after heavy fermentation considered it edible

fact is... most jap's diet consisted of rice and fish with some vegetables inbetween but with the advent of (((Tofu))) a lotta gooks decided to forgo meat for a cheaper and (((cruelty free))) diet

i have a vietnamese gook friend who embrace the Shawn Baker Carnivore only diet and it did wonders to that emaciated gook
it's really about one puts in his body, not just exercise
if we decided to ditch all manner of grains and processed goyfeed we too could become like our ancestors of old