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"Calling a thing by its proper name is the beginning of wisdom"! - unknown

submitted by GeneralDisarray to Covid1984 2.3 yearsFeb 21, 2022 19:28:15 ago (+6/-0)     (Covid1984)

Imho the crowds that are protesting need to stop chanting pointless nonsense and chant the hard truth at these cops.

One video from last night showed cops backing away from a crowd chanting "I believe that we will win!".

But we all know these cops are masons that traffick kids and gangstalking anyone that stands against this evil.

We should be chanting "PEDO SCUM!" at these traitors and watch them run!!!!

They fear the truth more than anything. So shove it in their faces.

The government has used narcissistic abuse and gaslighting this whole time. The known tactics of pedophiles. They have shoved their pedo games in all our faces. So it's time we show them that we know what they are.

Thoughts guys?

11 comments block

You could do what the French protestors did and roll out some mock guillotines