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discord ceo is jewish. alt right groups purged

submitted by Garrett to Jews 2.3 yearsFeb 28, 2022 23:05:46 ago (+67/-0)     (archive.ph)


'Citron and Vishnevskiy knew they had to make a fast choice about the amount of regulation to impose on their platform, a similar type of reckoning that has taken place more recently on Twitter and Facebook over President Trump’s comments. Over fall 2017, they deleted roughly 100 Alt-Right groups from Discord, a first step. They promised themselves there’d be more to come.'

jews have two main weaknesses that ive seen- white nationalism and naming the jew. nothing else seems to ruffle their feathers so much because jews remember that Whites kicked them out of countries and know that we could do it again if we were unfied enough. thats why jews sponsored the man behind the kalergi plan ( https://archive.ph/gEnpj#selection-1145.0-1161.17
) for ex which praised jews as the best race of euope and promoted Whites being mixed into a nigger hybrid. this kalergi jew funded creature was even responsible for choosing the anthem for the eu which has niggerfied europe.. strange cohencidence i would think (kalergi was a mutt himself of austrian/japanese mixture)

naming the jew keeps jews from being able to assume Whiteness and therefore be exempt from all crimes because 'muh White supremacy' and never the true jewish supremacy. thus they are able to remain eternal victims while moving hidden behind the curtain

and no, jews are not White


thus, movements that proclaim one or both of these things will face repeated persecution by jews and thus ((western governments)) who of course always prioritize jewish needs over Whites with muh anti-semitism laws. wonder why..

kalergi plan = In his 1925 book Practical Idealism, Coudenhove-Kalergi envisioned an all-encompassing race of the future made up of "Eurasian-Negroid(s)," replacing "the diversity of peoples" and "[t]oday's races and classes" with a "diversity of individuals."

17 comments block

Typhoon8 0 points 2.3 years ago

Jeremy From The Quartering has a "Gilded" channel.