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Belfast Car Bomb

submitted by Fascinus to Booze 2.2 yearsMar 17, 2022 17:39:52 ago (+16/-1)     (www.drinknation.com)


Also known as the "Irish Car Bomb".

Tastes like a Guinness milk shake. Submarining the shot glass introduces a novel participatory element and a bit of a spectacle.

Some recipes call for Kahlua in addition to Irish Cream and I have never had them that way.

I haven't had one in years... may be too sweet for my taste these days and I do have some fond memories from years past.

Warning: These go down *way* too easy for how potent they are. Exercise appropriate caution or risk "driving the bus".

6 comments block

Coming back from deployment we had a stopover in Dublin at 3am local time(back when we chartered entire aircraft and carried our rifles with us). They specifically opened the bar for us and we ran them out of the cream for Irish Car Bombs.

Good times.