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ADL Defends Ukraine's Neo-Nazis: They "Don't Attack Jews or Jewish Institutions"

submitted by John_B_14 to Jews 2.2 yearsMar 25, 2022 12:53:29 ago (+43/-0)     (www.informationliberation.com)


Mar. 25, 2022

The Anti-Defamation League, the leading pro-Israel lobbying group in America, published a Q&A defending Ukraine's neo-Nazi groups on the grounds that they "don't attack Jews or Jewish institutions."

In an article titled, "Why is Putin Calling the Ukrainian Government a Bunch of Nazis?" the ADL interviewed David Fishman, professor of Jewish History at The Jewish Theological Seminary, to explain why Ukraine's neo-Nazis aren't so bad.

"There are neo-Nazis in Ukraine, just as there are in the U.S., and in Russia for that matter. But they are a very marginal group with no political influence and who don't attack Jews or Jewish institutions in Ukraine," Fishman said.


30 comments block

Hugh 0 points 2.2 years ago

Just look at that ADL leader. My wife knows a woman who says she sees people’s auroras. She swears there are “reptilian” people with no aurora walking among us. Evil people. Once you know what to look for it is more obvious. Just look at that guy. Hard to hide it