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BlackRock now owns Ancestry.com

submitted by NationalSocialism to Jews 2 yearsMay 9, 2022 22:10:18 ago (+10/-0)     (www.jewworldorder.org)


BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager, with $6.3 trillion of individual investments under its control. It has been dubbed by some as “the new Goldman Sachs.” Since 2004, BlackRock has hired a large number of former government officials and powerful bankers, leading to obvious potential conflicts of interest. CEO Larry Fink has ties to both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Former BlackRock executive Craig Phillips, now a Treasury Department official, has been leading the efforts to keep the investment fund’s trillions outside of Dodd-Frank regulations.

3 comments block

More important than that, they can start retconning or hiding history with "genetic data".