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This is a really stupid question, but is there a way to login on Aether?

submitted by we_kill_creativity to Goats_on_Aether 2 yearsMay 18, 2022 18:01:54 ago (+3/-0)     (Goats_on_Aether)

All I see is an option to create a new account. I recently had to get a new computer and all I can see to do on Aether is "join" and make a new account? Am I missing something really obvious here?

10 comments block

Content posted on Aether is actually there forever, but it drops out of view when it "goes stale" after 6 months of non-interaction. You could open the database and try and find it.

The client default is to stop showing things after 6 months but this can be changed. This is good for the network, as the less it has to show, the faster it can remain.

In the settings json files, you can set the storage size you are willing to keep for Aether. Storage is relatively cheap these days.Aether is text only and text compresses very efficiently.

I could choose to keep a large amount of Aether data, others might not want to. It would be my way of supporting the infrastructure and holding my interests.

The need for permanent storage hasn't yet been solved on Aether. I think the best way forward for that is through IPFS pinning. (I think IPFS pinning for images/memes is the best solution too.)

This would mean integrating Aether with another application protocol. There are some Free software projects which might have some useful code for this purpose:

