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But these ARE jewish principles!

submitted by PostWallHelena to CommunismIsJewish 1.9 yearsJun 27, 2022 23:01:39 ago (+30/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


Yeshiva U forced to recognize a student club for rainbow fag types, by jew dyke judge

Article if you’re interested https://www.thecollegefix.com/court-rules-orthodox-jewish-university-must-recognize-lgbtq-student-club/

25 comments block

Many identify the hyksos—a people who spoke something like hebrew—as the hebrews of exodus.

They may have been semetic but it's worth pointing out that there's also a group of people called the "Hebiru" by the egyptians who seem like a better candidate. Maybe they merged later, who knows. Jewish history is pretty murky.

I think in this context, the story of Moses — an adopted son in the house of pharoah from this ethinic underclass— makes sense.

Ok, well we know his origin story is fake because it's actually a much older indo-european story. It occurs in both hindu and saxon myth so it predates the sintashta culture exodus from europe, making it at least 1500 years older than him, and almost certainly older than that.

If we accept that the jews are liberally borrowing bits and pieces from other cultures' mythology to construct this moses figure and they can be discounted as part of the real story, then what's left?

The jews are well known for their persecution fantasies and delusions of grandeur, so it seems more likely that this was a post-facto justification for them getting kicked out yet again.