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Much of the best White DNA is being destroyed through White women mixing with blacks

submitted by oppressed to BlackPilled 1.9 yearsJul 5, 2022 21:53:42 ago (+22/-9)     (BlackPilled)

Much of the best White DNA is mixing with blacks because of White women. I've seen it many times in my life, a beautiful pure White female, someone with clean DNA I would like to breed with, and she's with a jig.

In cities with large black populations it seems like every jig has a White baby mama, and they love to tell you about it because they know it's disgraceful and shameful to you and your race.

There is a whole #whitegenocide movement of many beautiful White females on twitter who lust after black cock and want to see the White race destroyed by mixing with and becoming servants to blacks. They speak about it openly while posting interracial White porn.

But dont worry, just keep posting on voat, im sure things will get better on their own....

38 comments block

No. Men go to war to get more women or to get more loot to get more women. Simple as. Men can’t help going to war. Its like trying to stop niggers from chimping. Its basically a chimpout but with more planning.