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26 comments block

yesiknow 0 points 1.9 years ago

That's a pertinent point.

The subversion is easily seen through people like Smiley Blanton, a Freud worshipping pedophile that hooked up with Norman Vincent Peale with one goal; to merge Christianity with psychiatry. They got so much press, because the cartel pimped them endlessly.

They were all gobbling up what had been called "new thought", very much jewish theosophy/kabbalah influenced and new age shit about creating material reality through magic words and pretending. Napolean Hill's think and grow rich came from it as well, and subverted.

Riehhold Neibuhr was another pimped pastor that was highly offended that Henry Ford was giving families good pay checks by putting their men to work. Neibuhr's version of Christianity was pity and solace. That kind of Christianity wasn't relevant to the well paid, so he attacked automation as dehumanizing and the work of the capitalist devil. He was communist, then when that didn't work, anti war, until he told all "his" protestants to sign up for war.

Neibuhr chastised and railed at Protestants because he said jews wouldn't convert because Christians weren't good enough.

You'll find almost every "famous" person influencing Christians by subversion since about 1900, had ties to a Rockefeller, or their foundation pals. The rest were hollywood jews and Edward Bernays believing goys

Neihbur was probably a product of the Scofield bastardized Bible commentary lying to fundies that anti semitsm was a crime and the "jews are all of israel"