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Kike lies about a fake anti-semitic incident, gets no charge. German goes to prison for commenting about it on faceberg.

submitted by NationalSocialism to HateCrimeHoaxes 1.9 yearsJul 28, 2022 09:06:15 ago (+78/-0)     (archive.ph)


(JTA) β€” A German man has been sentenced to seven months in prison for leaving a hateful comment on a Facebook post about the case of Gil Ofarim, a German-Israeli singer who was charged with lying about an antisemitism incident at a hotel last year.

β€œIn Buchenwald he would have liked to be seen with his Star of David,” the 38-year-old man from the German city of Niesky wrote on the account of TAG24, a German news website, according to a report by Radio Lausitz, a German news radio channel.

18 comments block

I hope you are right.