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Some Indian tells it how it is in his country on Reddit

submitted by Spiral_Out to whatever 1.8 yearsAug 6, 2022 12:19:30 ago (+37/-2)     (www.reddit.com)


"I'm 22 M, and I live in India.

Idk how many of you know about this shithole nation.

We are famous for our cringe movies and population.

Yes, we breed like chickens.

Every year, Indians make as many babies as the entire population of Australia and New zealand combined.

Our excuse?

China is a well-developed country and they are more populated than us. So if they can, why shouldn't we?

And mind you, this excuse comes from the educated high class retards. 90% of Indians haven't even been to high school and even if they did, they still don't know jackshit about overpopulation, depleting resources and a crumbling economy.

China is a well-developed tier-1 nation, that has the biggest economy and per capita income. They also have great infrastructure, better facilities for the public and has better access to resources to cater to the needs of majority of it's population.

Indians on the other hand, are just straight up 1.7 Billion retarded idiots who are born into poverty or middle class, gets married when they can't even afford a cycle, has a kid when they have 15 loans and 13 pending credit card bills.

And when these kids grow up into their early adult years, these fuckers throw them down the rabbit hole of capitalism to burn their dreams and be a slave so that these young bloods can waste their entire money to take care of their sick, broke and retarded parents.

If this isn't the most fucked up system ever, idk what is."

48 comments block

GhostCow 1 points 1.8 years ago

Do you have a source for this? That's a hilarious fact if true.